Healing News is the counseling arm of New Song Healing Ministry. (www.nshmin.org). This Divinely inspired project makes use of its interactive website to take the message of Deliverance and Healing to nations of the world..
Saturday, 31 January 2015
you can become partaker of righteousness today!
Sin Consciousness, A Bed Of Sorrows.
For anyone who would obtain eternal joy, there is need for such a person to understand what the consciousness of sin can cause. A wounded conscience can go a long way to bring about sorrow of the mind….
Beloved, this very topic is the bedrock of doctrines in the body of #Christ that we can say is pulling some apart and threatening to split the body. But, we all know as it's written that the gate of hell can not prevail against the church. Alleluyah!!!.
Most doctrines are derived from the interpretation of what actually #righteousness is and everyone goes around trying to establish a form of righteousness for themselves. This has led to the huge church prison experience as seen in RICK JOYNER'S BOOK TITLED ‘ THE CALL’.
Most people have mixed together the meaning of righteousness and holiness, but the two are completely different!
Righteousness means having the right standing before #God while Holiness is living right…having good moral standards…..
Let me explain righteousness in layman terms; a child can stand before the parent based on the bloodline relationship by virtue of his birth, so also righteousness before God as Christians is not based on holiness but on the works that was finished by #Jesus Christ to reconcile us to God as sons.
While the two are being confused with each other is that Holiness makes us to come to terms with reality that we are bought with a price by the redemption works on the cross and as a result, the saving of our soul requires presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice (Roman 12 verse 1-2)
While some folks who confuse the two say that you work out your righteousness and become holy by a great measure of self control and ethics and morals learnt over time, while another group says that by having faith, righteousness is imputed to you as Abraham in Romans 4;3.
' what saith the scripture? That Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness'
A lot even looked at some of the areas that the fathers of faith missed it, and use it as justification for sin.
You are just to believe the redemption works were done for you to be counted as righteous!.
The truth beloved is, YOU CAN BECOME HOLY, YOU CAN BECOME RIGHTEOUS!! Just follow me in this expository teaching!!! This does not mean that you will not miss it sometimes, but, we have an advocate, Lord Jesus, who is always there, interceding for us.1John 2:1
That anger, pride can leave without you making personal efforts!!!. Receive the knowledge that will bring this grace through this teaching in Jesus name.!!!! If you make personal efforts to conquer sins, it will work for a while and resurface in a bigger way in no distant time., and if you say that you do not have sin because you are a new creature, you have missed it!!!!. Paul the Apostle was able to conquer sin in Romans 7 through his skillfulness in the word of righteousness as in Hebrews 5;11- 14 ' …….‘of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing, for when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as need of milk and not of strong meat, for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness; for he is a babe, but strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of their senses exercised to discern both good and evil'.
How then do you attain righteousness? You don't need to wear bad clothes, or trousers that don't touch the ground, or very long skirt. I am going to explain to you by presenting the following scenario;
Follow me;
Suppose a young lady from very poor background gets a wedding proposition from a very wealthy man for marriage, and she consents, she will as a matter of fact move from her poverty and misery to the splendor of the groom. The groom will not tell her to leave her poverty, but by accepting to marry the groom, she will just have to let go of her poverty to live with the groom. Now, Jesus is our groom and we are the bride of the Lord, just like the bride, Jesus will not tell us to drop your sins, he never told the disciples that, at first, he only said, 'learn of me' Mattew 11. vs 29 he says we should learn of him so that we will know what is expected of us.
If the bride we refer to here was a woodcutter, she will learn in the home of the groom that we can use modern machinery for wood-cutting.
In his Economic system, which includes his feeding pattern, he has an alternative food which is the Word of God Luke 4 vs 4,
'man shall not live by bread alone…………….
and he demystified hunger in Deuteronomy 8 vs 3. 'and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger, that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread alone……………….. This is however one the most important attribute of the groom.
In his family pattern, John 1 vs 12
' but as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name' and 13 ' which are born not of…………………..his family means is not necessarily the people he was born with, NOT ALONG THE NATURAL LINES!! He mentioned this in John 3:6 his strategy is not on the natural lines in John 3:8
He met the needs of people first before thinking of his own needs in the feeding of 5000, but his own needs are always met as people bombarded him with money enough that he needed even a treasurer (Judas). HE WAS RICH. Martha was always cooking to receive him and the sinful woman used the most costly perfume to clean his legs.
He was refused a VISA to Samaritan village, but he was not angry and he detested vengeance because he knew who he was. Luke 9:51-56. He prepared food for the disciples who just betrayed him after death by resurrection John 21. Glory.!!!!!!!!!!!
DO THAT THING JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR GROOM!!!!!! Other wise, you will experience a broken fellowship. Be a doer of Gal 2:20!!!
If you operate in even a few of these, you will see results as his righteousness is revealed from faith to faith Romans 1:17. but I advise you to operate in all, so that you can be a joint heir of his kingdom!!!!!!.
As you live in the consciousness of the Word, fashion your life according to the Word who was made flesh John 1:14, 'and the word was made flesh……………… you will realize that you do not need to learn any form of righteousness as he has been made your righteousness. 1 Cor 1 vs 30. Get renewed by the Word Romans 12 vs 1-2 and you will just be perfect- Hebrews 6. If this is happening to others, it must be happening to you. You must live in HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Romans 8:28 brings eternal joy to your spirit anytime you are depressed because you know that all things work together for your good…….
Friday, 30 January 2015
prayer that moves the mountain!
Prayer That Moves #Mountains!
#Prayer is needed to come out of deep afflictions! When #Jesus came down from the mount of transfiguration, he had a case on his hands in which he had to rebuke the deaf and dumb spirit from an afflicted person, and the fellow was healed!
The disciples had labored to heal this fellow without success until Jesus moved in. However he gave a prescription for such healing in verse 29 of Mark Chapter 9… he said unto them ‘this kind can come forth by prayer and fasting,”
We may need to break through some realms in the spirit before deliverance can be obtained. When some problems are deeply rooted, deliverance might not come cheap!
Prayer is the very voice of faith. Prayer is connected deeply with faith and they work hand in hand!
Beloved, a new season has come to your experience in the Christian #faith!! The information of Your adoption as a Son of God with the numerous benefits you have will be released to you in this message. The devil, adversary of man loves to hide divine information from his victims.
Pray this prayer now: You demonic powers hiding divine information from me, be removed far from me in Jesus name.
The subject of prayer cannot be completed in an encyclopedia, but as much as the Lord will help me, I will share the basics with you. I will implore you to read with rapt attention.
Prayer is not an arrangement of cleverly organised words or the display of Spiritual eloquence because our God is not the God that can be ‘PACKAGED’ with clever/impressive words. He is the author of all wisdom, as a result, man’s devised wisdom is foolishness with God 1 Corinthians 3:19. Prayer a spiritual communication with #God who is a spirit. John 4:24. PRAYER IS THEREFORE A #SPIRIT BASED EXERCISE. LORD,
Many have been praying very cleverly arranged and mechanical prayers, and are even frustrated in the alter of prayers without getting results, because many words are spoken but barely any real communication.
Some people think praying in understanding in the name of Jesus and speaking in tongues are the only prayers. Some have never heard of travail in the spirit (Galatians 4:19).
There are several levels and classes of prayers beloved. Paul the Apostle even talks about singing in the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 14:15. Jude 1:20 talks about building yourselves in praying in the Holy Ghost.
Man is made up of spirit, soul and body and the three has to be involved in prayer, but in an effective prayer, the Spirit is the chief participant because the ‘The Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord searching the inward parts of the belly’ (PROVERBS 20:27)
To also be successful in the School of Prayer, you need to know that there is a dividing asunder of the soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12).
Matthew Chapter 6 is an expository chapter in the ministry of prayer, where Christ taught his disciples the very objects of prayer. It is unfortunate that the Lord’s prayer, which was given as a guide to the Church was turned to a ritualistic recitation, which is more or less a poem. The Lord never meant us to recite the Lord’s prayer as a poem but it is to guide us to have a perfect fellowship in prayer.
The first object of the Lord’s prayer is ‘our father, who art in heaven , Hallowed been thy name, thy kingdom come, are all objects of worship of the Almighty God, where we worship him for who he is and Who he is to our lives. in this area, we speak his testimony back to him, thank him for being the one in charge of our lives ( this worship is acceptable in spirit if only if you don’t have hidden gods and idols in your heart)
The next object is understanding the obligations of the kingdom. Christ said ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
To enter and fully utilize these very object of prayer, you must understand the essence of Christ ministry on earth, our obligations in the kingdom. From the time of creation, God gave man dominion over everything on the surface of the earth, so he has limited himself on earth in what he can do, except by our prayers. This is also in Psalm 115:16.
God’s will is perfect in Heaven ,but on earth, man is required to bring down his will upon the earth. There is a universal spiritual government that was re-created when man fell in the garden and it became compulsory for man to seek God in prayer and fellowship to allow his will upon the earth over any matter. In every dispensation, there was a need for an intercessor or advocate for God’s people.
In the period of the Law, Moses needed to seek the face of God for any matter to prevail, while in the dispensation of the prophets headed by Elijah, the Lord is also sought by the prophets before any matter can prevail.
When God saw the hopelessness of man ISAIAH 59:16, he raised an intercessor/advocate for us in Christ Jesus and that was how he brought his kingdom down to the earth!! And he is asking us to do same in Mark 16:15 ‘Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In heaven.
To be a skillful student in the School of prayer, there must ‘BE A THIRST’ in the Spirit as Christ proclaimed in John 7:38. The person that wants to prevail with God in prayer must be very thirsty for him. There must be an inner hunger for him.
God is willing to over-answer our prayers!, but we need to know how to reach him even in the alter of our prayers. The next object in the Lord’s Prayer is ‘Give us these day our daily bread’!! this is the realm of asking for our needs. These object of prayer implies that our needs must be things that will glorify him. Things that will promote his kingdom on earth!!! That is why this follows the line ‘ thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’. For us to prevail in the alter of prayer, whatever the vocation we are doing must be showcasing and promoting his kingdom upon the earth!!!
Nicodemus was a reputable spiritual teacher, but he knew he needed to clarify many things spiritually, so he sneaked out in the dead of night to trace the master. He needed to know divine requirement to be in the kingdom of God, JOHN 3:3 he needed to know the attributes of people of God who walk in the Spirit! Thank God for Nicodemus!!!!!!!!!!
There must be a hunger for the Lord beyond your Sunday service or Bible study, there must be a hunger to be one of the people who will partner God in the mass harvest of souls in these end times! God has made tremendous power available to the Church these end times, and that is why the Church is very wealthy! But beyond this wealth, there is presently a call in the spirit to partner God in the redemption of his people. To do this, OUR PRAYER MUST RISE BEYOND THE ORDINARY LEVEL TO THE CRY OF THE SPIRIT!!!!
LORD TEACH US TO PRAY!!!People are thirsty for God but they are sincerely blind, they cannot see him. (Isaiah 6:10 And Mark 4:12). If your prayers rise beyond the ordinary, and you enter into sweet communion with our loving father who is always ready to answer our cry in the Spirit, you become a solution to spiritual problem in your environment!! You will become the spiritual consultant in your environment. You are the Jesus of this time! You are a branch sent forth to manifest his attributes and make people know that they need to turn from other beggarly powers and turn to the most high.
You need to invest in knowledge that will promote you in the School of prayer!
There is a cry of prayer in the spirit, a groan for help that goes beyond audible words! That is the prayer of the Spirit, and that is the prayer that can break any stubborn yoke of infirmity.
When Jesus got to the tomb of lazarus in John chapter 11, he was compassionate and he wept!! Lord Jesus wept!
Away from the compassion, he was connected in the Spirit, and he groaned! He began to mutter inaudible words he broke through the barriers of death in the Spirit by groaning, before he shouted Lazarus! Come forth! And the gates of death set lazarus free!
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
why faith is difficult.
Why Faith Is Difficult!
Quite a number of people want to operate in Great #faith, but find it difficult to do so for the following reasons.
1. #God formed man and breathed into his nostrils and he became a living soul . (Genesis -2:7). Soul Is the Sit of reason, the one that establishes contact with the intellectual realm. It is the centre co-ordination of #senses and facts. Soul will encourage a natural man to see evidence before acceptance.
2. The spirit of man is subject to mastership of his choice at the fall. Man is upheld by free spirit (psalm 51:12), this means he has a choice whether to flow with the spirit of God or #satan. Initially, he flowed with the spirit of God, as he was both celestial and terrestrial (read 1 Corinthians 15: 40-50), as the fall, he became predominantly terrestrial.
3. Faith is of the spirit. It is for spiritual men. A natural man cannot accept this: ( 1 Corinthians 2:14). You can connect God in the realm of the spirit by faith because he is the father of spirits! John 4:24
What do you say?
what he did to make you free!
Understanding What #Jesus Christ Did Between the Cross and the Throne Through The Attached Cartoon.
Titled: Acquitted.
Box 1: The Entire race of man fell Through Adam and had to face the universal court of justice. Roman 3:23 (All have sinned and come short of the Glory of #God)
Box2: Life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11), and so only Blood can be used for sacrifice of Atonement. And so the Law and the Prophets came but they can only cover sin, they cannot purge it (Hebrews 10:4). The case looked hopeless. There was need for blood that could purge sins.
Box3: And so, man was sentenced to death, Death reigned from Adam till the coming of Jesus Christ.
Box 4: Jesus Christ, having perfected eternal #

salvation on the cross, went to Hell And took the keys of DEATH and was declared by the universal court as an able substitute to take our place (1 John 3:8), He appeared on the scene,’ having blotted out all the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us….took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross’…(Colossians 2:14)
Box 6: What do you have to say now too?

Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Checklist For Your Healing!
Beloved, it is very important for you to know that #God is ever willing to do us good. Ever before #Christ came, the laws and the prophet were in place to guide us so that we would not fall into the hand on the adversary, the devil, the prince of this world, the author of sickness and curses. When the dispensation of the law and the prophets ended, he sent the prince of peace, Jesus Christ as our escape route from the prince of this world. He is ever willing to heal you, that is why he says ‘I am the God that Heals you’ (Exodus 15 verse 26).
I will point out to you that there is no single method that can work for every healing case since the spirit of infirmity came in through different means. The Healings recorded in the bible came through different methods of healing ministration. I will like to mention at this stage, that the Holy Spirit is the healing partner that reveals to the healing minister, what to do and healing follows. He is our ultimate partner!
However, in many cases, where the affliction proves tougher than what the person praying for healing envisages, especially where doctors have declared the case to be terminal, I will advise that you to run through the following checklist of fifteen things and see if there are areas that you are deficient and make necessary amends. Some of this areas might require that you get relevant books/materials to sharpen your spirit knowledge. I believe that by the time you are through, healing would result in Jesus name!
1. Get off the lane of ignorance of the Word of God, get enough #healing scriptures into your spirit, get rid of junks in your spirit and replace them with the Word. You may need to buy tapes of healing messages and listen. Deeply meditate on the areas of healing in the Bible. Faith comes by hearing…..Romans 10:17
2. Unbelief is Spiritual Criminality; God’s love and mercy in making Jesus available for us in grossly undermined in unbelief. In just a second, imagine the son you love so much, look you in the face and say ‘Daddy, I don’t trust you’ . that is how God feels when we cant just take him at his Word. Matthew 13:58, Mark 6:6
3. Unforgiveness is also one of the spiritual ropes tying people down to affliction. When you pray to God for mercy to be healed, you are in effect asking the Lord to forgive you, however, your being forgiven is tied to your willingness to forgive others. Matthew 11 verse 25-26. When the Lord forgives you like the sick of the palsy, healing results! Matthew 9.
4. Lack of Diligence: The heart is the centre of all the factors that will make you connect the Almighty God for your healing. Proverb 4:23 says You must be diligent from the heart! There must be a resolve and singleness of purpose.
5. Pride will prevent anyone from receiving from the Lord. Pride will disallow you from making amends where necessary. Proverbs 16:18.
6. Lack of Persistence: When believing God for healing especially in very serious cases, there might be need for persistence at the alter of prayer. There are powers in the realm of the spirit that may not allow some deliverance to take place without continuous bombardment in the spirit. The Lord also sometimes bears long with us. Read the story of The widow in Luke Chapter 18 verse 1-8.
7. Unconfessed Sin: This is one of the reasons that many people are not healed from very serious afflictions. Some people are just not ready to confess and let go of secret sins that they committed. Satan can bring up legalities and accusations to strengthen affliction. Ecclesiastes 10:8 ’ He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him’. An unconfessed sin will open the Hedge(spiritual covering).
8. Neglecting The Poor: Isaiah 58 verse 1-8 lists the condition of a true fast, and how the sick would be magnanimous to the poor in fasting and healing would result. Proverbs 19 vs 17 says ‘whoever gives to the poor, lends to the Lord and the Lord would pay him.
9. Grieving the Holy Spirit: Jesus Christ left us with the Holy Spirit, and he is our ultimate partner in the ministry. He is the revealer of what the Lord will have us do to get the divine the information for healing to result. He can be blasphemed. The bible makes it clear that such sins are unforgivable.
10. Involving in Occult: God hates idolatry with passion. Any past involvement in idolatry must be confessed and renounced for some certain cases of afflictions to give way. I believe this is one of cases that results in the toughest afflictions. Deliverance is required , and when this is done healing results.
11. Presence of Evil Spirit.
In many instances that Jesus Christ healed, he cast out demons and the infirmity leaves. Not all sicknesses however, are manifestation of demons. Mark Chapter 9 verse 25-27 gives a clear case where the demons left and the victim was healed. Many terminal sicknesses are manifestation of evil spirit.
12. Negative Confession: The devil relies on the confession of many people to keep them in captivity, The Bible makes it clear in Hebrews 3:1 that Jesus Christ is the High Priest of our confession who has passed into the heavens. when you see that your healing is perfected in the Word of God, you may not have seen the physical manifestation, use the power of faith to release positive confession and take steps to claim your healing by force.
13. Waiting To See Before Believing: You can not have faith when you also choose to protect your fear. Mark 11 verse 23-24 says ‘For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith”. There are activities of legalities in the realm of the spirit between confession and possession, that is however not the subject in this book. We are to maintain our confession of faith and our healing shall be accomplished.
14. Inability To Pray And To Fast: I mentioned earlier that there are levels of affliction that requires fasting. Matthew 17:21 Mark 9:29. The flesh will have to subdued for the spirit to communicate with the spirit of God John 4:24! The flesh will protest and want to have his way, but we are to put the flesh under, to be able to cry to the Father of spirits, the Almighty God, who is ever willing to bring about our deliverance!
15. Presence of Family Curse: The presence of Ancestral and family curse can be a serious hindrance to healing. The bible however makes it clear that ‘if any man is in Christ, old things have passed away’ however you still have to boldly affirm this in prayer for deliverance, otherwise it will not be applicable in your case.
There is a scriptural provision in the scripture Galatians 3 verse 13-14, but if you cannot simply accept this as referring to you, then it cannot work. As you affirm, I see you healed and restored in Jesus name!
Monday, 26 January 2015
#faith # God # healing # Jesus #miracles
faith and miracles!
Faith is not cheap talk, it is a journey! But it is the best route to the best of what eternity offers. I personally can testify that faith is the thing!
Now let’s examine the greatest enemies of faith. Please read meditatively with your bible by your side to digest the following scriptural references.
At the fall (Gen 3:22) in the garden, man who was created soulish (sense conscious) Gen 2:7 , was left at the mercy of his 5 senses (see, taste, feel , smell
or touch) and every contact that he has with the world and everything he knows about the world is through these five senses.
To aid his senses in search for reality, man has developed the microscope, telescope and spectroscope, yet, these instruments have only aided his senses in contact with the world around him. However, he has discovered that there is a spiritual world i.e. (dreams) that he can not contact/control through his senses, he knows also that the universe is held by a force that he can not explain through his senses, then, in his quest to dissolve mysteries, he delves into psychology, Christian science, new age, philosophies, myths, and several religions but all could not contact God and could not unravel the problem of sin and eternity. Then in his foolishness, he concludes that God must be a kind of universal mind.
All the above gave birth to the sense knowledge that has been the problem of man. Sense knowledge can not contact God. God is a Spirit and can only be contacted in the realm of the spirit. (John 4:24)
2 Cor. 4vs.18 makes us understand that ‘ anything that is seen is temporal’ while the unseen realities are the things that have eternal value. Once the senses can have a grasp of a thing or an action, it does not have eternal value.
Sense knowledge has limited man’s walk of faith with the God ‘WHO QUICKENETH THE DEAD AND CALLETH THOSE THINGS WHICH BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE’ (Rom 4:17). The God that has called forth these things has given us knowledge that is higher than sense knowledge and it is called the REVELATION KNOWLEDGE.
The revelation knowledge requires that men will belief first before they see. Man however is so sense ruled that he wants to see before he believes. The foolish thing in these is that ‘SCIENTIFIC THEORIES ARE FIRSTLY BITS AND PIECES OF GUESSWORK CALLED HYPOTHESIS BEFORE IT IS ACCEPTED AS THEORY’ and this is the backbone of today’s inventions that man has trusted so much.
The ‘REVELATION KNOWLEDGE‘ also requires that man will first receive God’s Word and believe and act upon the Word to see results, (Jeremiah 1:12) says I will hasten my word to perform it. But man has kicked against this revelation knowledge and has suffered for it greatly.
The man of God, Smith Wigglesworth said ‘if the spirit does not move me, I move the spirit’. In the case of Jesus Christ encounter with Peter in Luke 5 vs. 5, ‘ Peter who happened to be a professional fisherman said to Christ ‘master, we have toiled all night, nevertheless, at your word, I will let down my net’ NOTE : AT THY WORD. Christ is the ‘WORD MADE FLESH’ that answers all life’s questions on the totality of our existence. THE WORLD IS HELD TOGETHER BY THE WORD OF HIS POWER. (Heb 1:vs3).
When we pray for healing, it is because the person we pray for, can not see/accept that he has been healed as in Isaiah 53:5. He now has to come under another scripture that says ‘we shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover Mark 16:15. Many will also not be moved until they are anointed with oil which is also scriptural!
Most people who claim to have faith do not really have faith, they only say it as a mental assent, it is not REAL!. STURBORN FAITH IS UNWAVARING IN FACE OF REALITY OF SENSES AND OBVIOUS OPPOSITIONS.!!!!!!!!!!
I have laid hands on the sick sometimes and pray saying ‘be healed in Jesus name’ and I ask the sick person ‘are you healed? Then he says ‘the pain is still there.’ Such a fellow should concentrate on his doctors because he has not received the Word of faith and COULD only healed by the sovereign act of the Almighty God.
Some also place their faith in experiences. All these is sense knowledge and will not achieve results.
Beloved, you need to know that the devil is clever and his demons are present EVEN when prayer is being offered for the sick,(Job 1:6) THEY ARE PRESENT WHERE EVER THE ANGELS OF LIGHT ARE TOO. THEY ARE CLEVER LAWYERS WHO CAN EASILY ACCUSE YOU OF THE SPIRITUAL CRIME OF UNBELIEF.
Before we round up on faith message, we will share the spectacular act of faith by the man of God Elijah in turning the hand of God by faith. In the book of First Kings, Elijah had locked up the heaven and was now going to open it up after slaying the Baal prophets.
In the beginning of the mighty act of faith demonstrated by Elijah, (verse 41),He challenged the king to prepare for rain without any doubt. As at this time, he had not even informed God in prayer as to his intention of re-opening the heaven.
Then he sent his servant seven times to check the rain when he was on his knees petitioning the Lord for rain, and immediately the servant reported that he saw something like a man’s hand rise out of the sea he announced his FAITH BREATHROUGH WITHOUT DELAY AS HE SENT A MESSAGE TO THE KING TO RUN AHEAD OF THE RAIN WHILE HE OUTRAN THE KING. ALLELUJAH! HE HAD THE OPTION TO WALK AND NOT RUN BUT HE HAD TO PERFECT HIS FAITH ACT WITH DEMONSTRATION! FAITH IS AN EVIDENCE, IT IS NOT CHEAP TALK!!!!!!!
Beloved, why will Elijah go through all these when he could have just prayed casually and rain would come? Let us not forget that man is in complete charge over the affairs of the earth as God is in Heaven, GEN 1:28, PSALM 115 :16. There are other demoniacal forces that are operating on earth until their time runs out in the second advent. These forces can cause delay in receiving answers to prayer. In Daniel 10 verse 11-14, we can see how these forces cause delay, and how persistence in the alter of prayer and violent faith dislodge these forces.
Arise beloved and take your position in the victory provided for you in Christ Jesus. You can change that situation, you can turn around those events, you can make a difference now in your situation. Only believe!!!!
Sunday, 25 January 2015
#healing #soul #Christ #God #Feeling #Deliverance
Understanding Healing The Simple Way!
The fall of man in the Garden reduced him to a soulish being (soul is the sit of intelligence)He only trusts in his senses. Many of us are born to accept that when we experience flu, fever or any form of dis-ease, through our sense members, i.e eyes, ears, nose, taste and feeling, we still as a matter of fact turn to a solution born out of senses. Obtaining divine healing is however a business of the spirit, the bible says that God is a spirit and they that will contact/worship him will need to be connected in the spirit John 4:24. There is a need to change our believe system in other to have this experience…
Feeling is a voice of the senses…….Expect a Healing AND NOT A FEELING!
Healing is borne out of revelation knowledge of whose provision is in the scripture….. Exodus 15:26,,,
Our soulish experience has been part of us from childhood. It is time to walk in revelation knowledge. I took this step years back and I can tell you it is more than real.
What do you have to say about this? Share your experience and where you need a touch. We can help you walk in this faith…
It is an exciting life and a transforming experience.
God bless you!
Friday, 23 January 2015
#deliverance #healing #God #Jesus
The Deliverance Connection.
Deliverance cannot be separated from healing. In many cases Jesus cast out demons, and the victim is healed of the spirit of infirmity. The commission of Christ is heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons and proclaim the kingdom! He cast out the unclean spirit in the madman of Gadara, Mark Chapter 5 from verse 1 and he was healed!
There is foolish argument that is making the rounds in the body of Christ, a lot of people are of the opinion that a Christian can not be demonized..
Ponder on this briefly to get a grasp of this very well… Jesus Christ came to preach deliverance to captives, Luke 4:18, he gave the same commission to those of us who are his disciples. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says ‘if any man be in Christ…old things have passed away’ … Now, ponder a little on Luke 4 from verse 1 that the devil came to tempt Jesus Christ knowing that he is the son of God! What does that tell you? God has made provision for your deliverance, but it has to be enforced by every available spiritual weaponry!
The devil does not want his works exposed, so he attacks the ministrations and ministry of deliverance more than any other ministry.
Talking about sicknesses however, it can come from two sources, the first is by violation of spiritual principles which means that we violate the use of our physical bodies in abuse of food, alcohol, excessive work, hygiene, drugs etc..
The second is through the devil by different means which we will discuss more in this chapter. But notable among the ways the devil afflicts is to plant sickness when men slept… the enemy came and sow tares. (Matthew 13:25). He also brings accusations based on legality in the spirit realm.
Even when sickness comes as a result of chastisement or trial, God will have to turn his face so that the devil can bring sickness. God is always good and wants his children to be in good health. He is the Lord that heals! Does it not excite you that we have a good father?
How then do you receive divine healing if you are plagued by any sickness?
Firstly, you have to recognize the source of the affliction, if it is through the violation of your body or it is demoniacal. I will be sharing some insights on deliverance and I know the message will help you if the source of your affliction is the devil.
Beloved, I have had to explain to several people during counseling sessions the demands of our faith and possessing power from above, and it looks as if many people do not want to come to terms with reality that indeed, the Christian faith is NOT tea party, a call to careless living and senseless liberty. We are called to prayerfulness and watchfulness.
Watchfulness for a child of God is very important. it does not refer to living a holy life alone and being cautious and obedient to the Word of God, it is also a wake up call not to be ignorant of the devices of the devil (2 Corinthians 2 verse 11).
God is so merciful to alert us when there is danger in the realm of the spirit so that we can make use of the weapons available at our disposal to destroy evil works in operation. Dreams and visions are very good spiritual monitor of events in the spirit!
Lets look at Job 33 verse 14-18. 14 ‘For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed 16 Then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction 17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride from man.18 He keepeth back his soul from pit and his life from perishing from the sword.
Lets look at another scripture in Matthew 13 verse 25 ‘but while men slept, his enemy came and sow tares among the wheat, and went his way….
I mentioned earlier that there are legalities in things of the spirit based on so many reasons. That is however not the subject of this book. Dream especially can be a spiritual monitor of something that could eventually lead to undiagnosed sickness, or some serious ailments that just came up overnight without symptoms.
Before demoniacal sicknesses which is sometimes terminal comes up, there might have been dreams where the victim is regularly fed or drank…This sort of dreams should be addressed in prayers. All such consumptions are evil and must be vomited in faith!
Deliverance is much needed when there is Constant dream attacks/nightmares, suicide thoughts, unexplainable hatred from people, harassment from spirit husband/spirit wife when a victim is finding it hard to break from evil habits, but I am more concerned about your healing in this book!
Many have gone through a lot of praying sessions, binding and loosing, casting out of demons, and have been marvelously delivered but have unfortunately slipped back to a stronger bondage requiring more prayers, more binding and loosing e.t.c. in many of these cases, frustration have started to set in.
Romans 10 Verse 2 says something about people who have a lot of zeal, but the zeal is not according to knowledge!!!!. I pray for you that the veil of ignorance covering your sight shall be destroyed right now in Jesus name!
We are going to be explaining some scriptures that have not received clarity in the soul of many people,
Many have been kept in a cage that have always made them return to the house of bondage after deliverance.
Deliverance is required from sin and from Satan, and it is needed by everyone because all have sinned…Rom 3:23. Deliverance is required because all of us dwell in a spiritual Egypt as a result of sin , and Satan is the taskmaster of Egyptian slaves……
If effect, when we come to Christ, we are still carrying the yoke of bondage. He however gave a very serious invitation for our freedom in Matthew 11:28-30.
Beloved, there is a satanic yoke, and there is a ‘yoke of Jesus’ THE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL DEMAND ACCOMPLISHED ON THE CROSS, MAKES IT MANDATORY FOR YOU TO SELECT THE YOKE YOU WILL LOVE TO CARRY. Whether it is the satanic yoke, or the Jesus ‘yoke’. THIS MEANS THAT AS LONG AS YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING, YOU MUST CARRY A YOKE!!! The satanic yoke has its lifestyle attached to it which includes careless life, disobedience, works of the flesh ……….. Galatians 5:19-21. The reward of this is deceitful /temporary success, afflictions , tribulations, satanic torments, sickness, calamities, short lived joy and fear.
The ‘yoke’ of Jesus includes praying without ceasing, fasting, possessing faith that will move mountains, supporting the expansion of his kingdom on earth, having a heavenly hope and minding heavenly things……renouncing the works of the flesh, resisting the devil with all spiritual vigor available…….. Galatians 5: 22-23. The reward of Jesus ‘yoke’ are numerous also, first is the joy of salvation, healing as the bread of children of God, deliverance from sin and satan, financial and spiritual prosperity.
After, some very serious spiritual program, some people will experience some relief, and they see this as having put the devil at abeyance throughout their lifetime. But the truth of the matter is that the devil will always be with us as long as this age runs. He has received his judgment and his time has to run out.
Beloved, you need to understand that God is the ultimate deliverer, and deliverance and power is embedded in only our Lord Jesus Christ. I will present the picture of the governing hierarchy in the spirit to you as follows, illustrating this with property ownership allegory.
Usually, in a property, there is an owner whether corporate or individual. The owner of a property has a lot of powers and could give terms and conditions to a prospective tenant that agrees to live in the property. In Corporate setting ,there will be a go-between the landlord and the tenant, which is usually estate agent or a trusted person: Now ON THE PLANET EARTH, Lord Almighty is the landlord of the house, while there is a caretaker who is the devil, and we are the tenants. However, the difference is that this caretaker was not willingly appointed, he is an impostor. However, to cushion the effect of what the impostor will do the tenant, the landlord gave the tenants the rules to escape the wrath of the caretaker, but this rules were embedded in the personality of his son. 1 John 3:8. And the son declared in John 10:14-16, the escape route from the impostor.
The devil/Satan/impostor was not appointed by God to be the ‘prince of this world’ as Christ himself called him. He stole the appointment by deceiving the first Adam. AND HE WILL CONTINUE TO BE THE CARETAKER UNTIL THE SECOND ADAM’S (LORD JESUS) SECOND COMING.
To be delivered, the afflicted person must first recognize his state as a sinner. Then he must come to terms with reality that his deliverance can only come through ONE source, and that the source is Jesus Christ. He is the way and truth John 14:6.
The major hindrance to deliverance however is that the one that sponsors bondage also makes serious efforts to make sure that the people in bondage seldom know that they are in it. The bondage most of the time appear to be strong fortresses of truth. You can check Mark 4:12 and Isaiah 6:10 for details. Deliverance starts when the sufferer realizes that he is really in bondage, identifies the type of bondage, and seeks information to be released from such bondage from the right source. The release is very obtainable when John 15:7 is accepted as a reality.
Every act of deliverance is engineered by faith as stated above, but prayer is the voice of faith, PRAYER IS THE ONLY WEAPON TO COMMUNICATE THE CRY OF DELIVERANCE TO THE DELIVERER. PRAYER IS WHAT MAKES THE HEAVEN TO ARISE FOR YOUR SAKE!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, God did not revoke the dominion he gave to man from beginning, and you can only exercise that dominion by prayer. Prayer is a business! It is a serious appointment with God. It is not what you do out of idleness and doubt. When you pray in the name of Jesus, you must belief that the highest power in the universe is at your disposal
To be delivered, you need to be a member of God’s family because God is not under obligation to bless his enemies are people outside this family. Why don’t you come to his family by believing totally in your heart and confessing him as follows: Lord Jesus, I come to you now, because I believe you died for me and on the third day you rose that I might be justified. Save me from my sins and write my name in the book of life. Help me to live above sin as from today. Amen
Thursday, 22 January 2015
#God #Jesus #Healing #Deliverance
Checklist For Your Healing!
Beloved, it is very important for you to know that God is ever willing to do us good. Ever before Christ came, the laws and the prophet were in place to guide us so that we would not fall into the hand on the adversary, the devil, the prince of this world, the author of sickness and curses. When the dispensation of the law and the prophets ended, he sent the prince of peace, Jesus Christ as our escape route from the prince of this world. He is ever willing to heal you, that is why he says ‘I am the God that Heals you’ (Exodus 15 verse 26).
I will point out to you that there is no single method that can work for every healing case since the spirit of infirmity came in through different means. The Healings recorded in the bible came through different methods of healing ministration. I will like to mention at this stage, that the Holy Spirit is the healing partner that reveals to the healing minister, what to do and healing follows. He is our ultimate partner!
However, in many cases, where the affliction proves tougher than what the person praying for healing envisages, especially where doctors have declared the case to be terminal, I will advise that you to run through the following checklist of fifteen things and see if there are areas that you are deficient and make necessary amends. Some of this areas might require that you get relevant books/materials to sharpen your spirit knowledge. I believe that by the time you are through, healing would result in Jesus name!
1. Get off the lane of ignorance of the Word of God, get enough healing scriptures into your spirit, get rid of junks in your spirit and replace them with the Word. You may need to buy tapes of healing messages and listen. Deeply meditate on the areas of healing in the Bible. Faith comes by hearing…..Romans 10:17
2. Unbelief is Spiritual Criminality; God’s love and mercy in making Jesus available for us in grossly undermined in unbelief. In just a second, imagine the son you love so much, look you in the face and say ‘Daddy, I don’t trust you’ . that is how God feels when we cant just take him at his Word. Matthew 13:58, Mark 6:6
3. Unforgiveness is also one of the spiritual ropes tying people down to affliction. When you pray to God for mercy to be healed, you are in effect asking the Lord to forgive you, however, your being forgiven is tied to your willingness to forgive others. Matthew 11 verse 25-26. When the Lord forgives you like the sick of the palsy, healing results! Matthew 9.
4. Lack of Diligence: The heart is the centre of all the factors that will make you connect the Almighty God for your healing. Proverb 4:23 says You must be diligent from the heart! There must be a resolve and singleness of purpose.
5. Pride will prevent anyone from receiving from the Lord. Pride will disallow you from making amends where necessary. Proverbs 16:18.
6. Lack of Persistence: When believing God for healing especially in very serious cases, there might be need for persistence at the alter of prayer. There are powers in the realm of the spirit that may not allow some deliverance to take place without continuous bombardment in the spirit. The Lord also sometimes bears long with us. Read the story of The widow in Luke Chapter 18 verse 1-8.
7. Unconfessed Sin: This is one of the reasons that many people are not healed from very serious afflictions. Some people are just not ready to confess and let go of secret sins that they committed. Satan can bring up legalities and accusations to strengthen affliction. Ecclesiastes 10:8 ’ He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him’. An unconfessed sin will open the Hedge(spiritual covering).
8. Neglecting The Poor: Isaiah 58 verse 1-8 lists the condition of a true fast, and how the sick would be magnanimous to the poor in fasting and healing would result. Proverbs 19 vs 17 says ‘whoever gives to the poor, lends to the Lord and the Lord would pay him.
9. Grieving the Holy Spirit: Jesus Christ left us with the Holy Spirit, and he is our ultimate partner in the ministry. He is the revealer of what the Lord will have us do to get the divine the information for healing to result. He can be blasphemed. The bible makes it clear that such sins are unforgivable.
10. Involving in Occult: God hates idolatry with passion. Any past involvement in idolatry must be confessed and renounced for some certain cases of afflictions to give way. I believe this is one of cases that results in the toughest afflictions. Deliverance is required , and when this is done healing results.
11. Presence of Evil Spirit.
In many instances that Jesus Christ healed, he cast out demons and the infirmity leaves. Not all sicknesses however, are manifestation of demons. Mark Chapter 9 verse 25-27 gives a clear case where the demons left and the victim was healed. Many terminal sicknesses are manifestation of evil spirit.
12. Negative Confession: The devil relies on the confession of many people to keep them in captivity, The Bible makes it clear in Hebrews 3:1 that Jesus Christ is the High Priest of our confession who has passed into the heavens. when you see that your healing is perfected in the Word of God, you may not have seen the physical manifestation, use the power of faith to release positive confession and take steps to claim your healing by force.
13. Waiting To See Before Believing: You can not have faith when you also choose to protect your fear. Mark 11 verse 23-24 says ‘For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith”. There are activities of legalities in the realm of the spirit between confession and possession, that is however not the subject in this book. We are to maintain our confession of faith and our healing shall be accomplished.
14. Inability To Pray And To Fast: I mentioned earlier that there are levels of affliction that requires fasting. Matthew 17:21 Mark 9:29. The flesh will have to subdued for the spirit to communicate with the spirit of God John 4:24! The flesh will protest and want to have his way, but we are to put the flesh under, to be able to cry to the Father of spirits, the Almighty God, who is ever willing to bring about our deliverance!
15. Presence of Family Curse: The presence of Ancestral and family curse can be a serious hindrance to healing. The bible however makes it clear that ‘if any man is in Christ, old things have passed away’ however you still have to boldly affirm this in prayer for deliverance, otherwise it will not be applicable in your case.
There is a scriptural provision in the scripture Galatians 3 verse 13-14, but if you cannot simply accept this as referring to you, then it cannot work. As you affirm, I see you healed and restored in Jesus name!
your spirit and your healing
Man As A Spirit Being.
It is laughable when some people believe the evolution concept of science in the creation of man. It is also more foolish to conceive in the heart that God should be represented by some idol or object when Man himself is an invisible being. The life man carries is a spirit which cannot be seen with physical eyes, can be seen in the spiritual realm of dream, vision or other forms of spiritual appearances but cannot be held or controlled by any force that is physical.
When a man dies by natural means or sickness, and the body is not severed, the man looks complete, but something apparently has gone out of him, that is the spirit and the soul.
It has been proven times and times over that God is a Spirit and can only be worshiped in spirit and truth John 4 verse 24!
When God created man, he breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living soul (Gen 2:7).
Earlier, God had created a body which is the container.
At creation, the spirit of God held him and he was a superman! He named all the animals Genesis 2 verse 19-20. He was given the mandate to be the Lord of the earth while still under the governance of heaven… Matthew 6 verse 10.This last scripture is the connection of the picture that God had initially to connect the heaven to the earth.
This first man Adam, was both celestial and terrestrial, 1 Corinthians 15 verse 1 to the end explains more of this. He was almost in the same class with God in nature until his fall. His Spirit was connected with God and he had constant fellowship with him until this relationship was severed and satan moved in. then his spirit began to struggle with the with the spirit of God, in Genesis 6 verse 3 and God gave him new length of days on the earth. Thus the Length of days is connected with the spirit.
This first man fell out of grace because of disobedience, Then God in his infinite mercy upheld him with the free spirit Psalm 51 verse 12.
So the real man is a spirit, while lives in a body and has a soul which is the seat of his understanding, drive, will, intellect and emotion.
Owing to the fall, man became a slave of the soul or senses i.e sight, smell, taste, hearing , feeling as he is of the free spirit. This is why he loves to experience or feel before he can believe. This is an exact contradiction to the laws of the spirit which the whole creation rests upon which requires believe before seeing.
The worlds were framed by the ‘words of God so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which are visible Hebrew 11 verse 2.
It turns out that in event, the unseen world rule the world that we see. Physical laws are in operation according to the dictates of the spiritual laws but the bible knows that the natural man will not agree with this but that is the truth. 1 Corinthians 2vs14-15.
You need to understand now that when you are sick, it may be only your body that is sick but in what is termed terminal sicknesses most times, the spirit inclusive of the soul is sick. If your spirit is sick, it is also likely that your soul will be sick as well, and that will amount to a broken will, an unwillingness to fight and ultimately defeat!!
The spirit can be harmed by demoniacal powers and it results in a sick body afterwards. When the spirit or soul is sick, then failure is very imminent and demoniacal powers does destroy the will to fight in such cases.
The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord searching all the innermost parts of the belly Proverbs 20:27. This means to make the power of God flow into your life and bring healing virtues, you need to invest in your spirit man, because the spirit of God will not communicate with the body except on rare occasions when he can cause some people to hear his voice, but he will always talk to your spirit.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
many testified upon reading this. yours is next in Jesus name!
The Three Buildings.
The human being is made up of three buildings, namely the Spirit, Soul and Body.
2 Corinthians 5 from verse 1 says ‘For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved, we have a building of God, and house not made with hands eternal from heaven’
The earthly house referred to here is the body. The body can be remodeled the way we want, we can even do plastic surgery to make our bodies to our taste, the body can also be subjected to the wants of our soul, but it can be dissolved by sickness and perish like a pack of cards!
This scripture goes on to say, there is a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal from heaven …..
Your Spirit cannot be remodeled with hands. It cannot be harmed with hands, it cannot be re shaped by hands. Have you ever wondered why some people are so feeble and sickly but they keep on living? And some people look so well but they are suddenly struck down and die? Why do the healing of some people shock the Doctors and make medical theories sound unreal? The answer is that, though they were sick but their Spirit sustained their infirmity. The bible says the Spirit of man will sustain his infirmity but a broken spirit, who can bear?....Proverb 18 verse 14
The third building is your soul. The soul serves as an intermediary between the body and the spirit in both sustaining the infirmity or receiving your healing. The soul is the information ministry that receives information, processes and transmits to the Spirit. It is the seat of your emotions, will and drive.
It is from your soul you receive information such as ‘do you know this sickness kills fast’? you must die now, no one survives this type of illness’
Your soul has the capacity to store negative or positive database to use in periods like this. As it has the ability to store negative things, it also has the ability to store positive things as well. It has the ability to accept the Word of God and transmit same to your Spirit. Words such as ‘He was wounded for my transgression, bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon him, and by his stripes I am HEALED! Isaiah 53:5. Your soul has the capability to cling unto the Word of the Lord which says ‘I am the Lord that heals you’ Exodus 15 vs. 26(AMP).
If you were taught to make positive confessions only without a conviction in your soul, if your soul only goes for negative information without corresponding effort to get positive testimonies of what God did in the days of Bible, and what he still does now, if you are not committed to pondering over the testimonies of God related to your situation, your soul will be fed with junks and the Healing works you desire might not come!
Have you read about the man of God called Smith Wiggleworth that was healed of appendicitis and later had kidney stones? He lived with kidney stones for six years and was eventually healed, but while he lived with kidney stones, he was still used as a vessel to visit several countries and heal many others. How did he get the strength? He did because the spirit was not sick!
Have you heard of Kenneth Hagin, who was deathly sick of deformed heart and left to die at seventeen but was miraculously healed by believing God’s word on his sick bed and later went on to become a healing minister and lived on till the Lord took him at eighty-three?
I have personally been healed of hypertension, heart palpitation, and many other ailments by appropriating the Word of God by faith.
What keeps a man living on when his body is giving all the evidence that he should have died is the building of the spirit! When the building of the spirit is fed with the right information from the soul building, and the information is processed and accepted, Healing results!
Sometimes the Spirit is healed, but it takes the body sometime to regain its composure, if this is the case, we need to continuously take a stand in the Spirit that the Healing is done. Seeing in the eyes of the Spirit that the building of God which is in you is healed because the maker has affirmed that ‘I AM THE LORD THAT HEALS YOU’
Monday, 19 January 2015
you can be healed today!
Death and Sickness Are Not Related!
When certain ailments termed by Doctors as terminal are mentioned, most times, what readily comes to mind is that the victim will likely die within a specified time frame and will be requiring constant therapy and medication as the case may be. This is however not so scripturally, as the bible makes a clear demarcation to sicknesses unto death or not.
There is a spirit in operation that works to bring about death and hell, and there is spirit of infirmity that reigns where sicknesses are concerned. The ideal situation of death actually is by God when he takes away the breadth and the believer sleeps…
Satan the enemy of man has sold out a lot of lies to mankind about sicknesses and death to create fear that leads to bondage. Hebrews 2:15 declares freedom from bondage to those who have been through fear of death all their lifetime subject to bondage.
There are mysteries in death that have not been taught by many conservative Christians and this has brought a lot of problems and torment to children of God. People have ignorantly submitted to death when they should have come out gallantly to testify. My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
Death for a child of God is a home call, it is not supposed to be in sickness. The Word says ‘with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation’ Psalm 91 verse 16.
The spirit of death and hell can capitalize on sickness and subsequent verdict of physicians based on scientific theories of the past to put a victim in bondage to accept a death sentence. Once he does, a legality is established in the realm of the spirit and the spirit of death can strike.
Beloved, for death to occur, the following things must be accomplished in the spirit as written in Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 verse 6
‘ Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it’.
A person can be dangerously sick, but if all the above is not spiritually fulfilled, he will not die. However, when grievous sickness occurs, there is tendency for mind binding demons to sell the idea of death to the victim, who will accept this as his fate in his soul which is the seat of emotions, drive and will and then a spiritual legality can be established and then the spirit is broken and wounded, Proverb 17 verse 22… and the spirit of death can come in.
Sounds strange? But that is the scriptural truth.
I will share a real experience of this with you. Sometime ago, a minister’s wife gave birth to a son in the hospital and by the following day, some complications arose and the boy was placed on oxygen in the intensive section, he was diagnosed to have heart failure while the mother who had just gone through a caesarean section was on admission in the hospital lay helpless. The minister alongside with a fellow Christian sister prayed strategic prayers for the life of this boy by disallowing all the parameters of death to be fulfilled in him and by the third day, he was out of the intensive care unit. The Boy’s heart was checked on the third day and was declared perfect!
Jesus said he had the power to lay down his life and to take it back! What an interesting thing? Being born again offers to you a series of advantage you have probably not thought of. Paul the apostle came back to live from death as often as he wanted (2 Corinthians 11 verse 23 ‘in death oft…” He did this till he gave himself up willingly 2 Timothy 4 verse 6.
What an exciting life!
We are to continue living till we are satisfied Psalm 91 vs 16. Old age is sweet! It would not be in sickness.
Sunday, 18 January 2015
God Almighty made the heavens and the earth and He settled in Heaven and dwelt in-between the cherubim’s. Psalm 80. He however made man after his own likeness over the earth as an overseer. The job of this overseer will not be complete if he cannot have full discretions and choice, and so he was given the power of choice and made a terrestrial being with the celestial ability to communicate with God Almighty( 1 Corinthians 15 verse 45).
The coup in the Garden was a cleverly designed TREASON that was crafted to possess all the terrestrial abilities of God Almighty and usurp his Authority. It is beyond the desire of just a fruit, it was a quest for Knowledge inherent in the Almighty. INDEED A TREASON!

nothing just happens!
The physical world is very much deceived that there is something called co-incidence, but in the actual sense, this is gross contradiction to the fact that people sometimes dream and it does come to pass. The dream world is the commonest way to catch a glimpse of the spirit realm.
The Bible makes it clear that whatever you can hold or have a grasp of has no eternal value! 2 Corinthians 4:18.Since the Spirit of man can not be held, so it is eternal! So whatever will cause joy or sorrow would have been released in the spirit realm before it can come to physical manifestation.
There is a continuous connection and unbroken interference of both the physical and spiritual realm as one needs the other very much.
As a Christian Counselor, I am familiar with the fact that people get afflicted in the spiritual realm and sometimes immediately sees the manifestation in the physical realm and sometimes the affliction goes through an intriguing process that it is no longer traced to the spiritual realm. Because man is essentially a spirit being, he gets worried and there is a longing in him to know what tomorrow holds, so he delves into mysteries and he begins to consult psychics and other mediums.
As earlier said, the inter-relationship of the physical and spiritual realm with each other brings a lot of experiences pleasant and unpleasant to human beings.
The problem of knowledge has caged the modern man since he is a product of senses, and so whatever he does not get in his sense of touch, taste, feeling, seeing or hearing is not real as far as he is concerned, however there is a knowledge he cannot decode which explains who God is, that decodes the law of gravity, insight into the spiritual realm of dreams and visions that he could not have decoded.
Sense knowledge always ends up in guesswork as it cannot unravel God. It fails to contact reality as the only reality is in Jesus Christ. It cannot explain the sudden feeling of emptiness in an individual despite the fact that the individual is financially stable. Sense knowledge cannot explain the reason for sudden lack of love but there is a type of knowledge called revelation knowledge that can unravel all these mysteries, and this knowledge is only given by receiving the fullness of Jesus Christ
Romans I verses 22-32 makes us to understand how depravity crept into man as a result of delving into the other side of spiritual reality, and this resulted into :
Witchcraft (Conscious and Unconscious)
Familiar Spirit
Spiritual Spouses (Spirit wife or Spirit husband).
Operations of Generational Curses and Covenants
All these forms of spirituality have their aims which in one way or the other inflict pains on people directly or indirectly. When pain comes, emotional problems sets in and the result is sorrow.
Since the devil is a great promoter of lies, he helps people to waive all these facts as superstitions while he continues to promote ignorance and affliction amongst his captives. (John10:10).
Powers and human agents that inflict pains are more organized in their approach while the sufferers are usually unprepared.
The Bible makes it clear that there was a spiritual consultation by the enemies of the Jews before making a decision to destroy the Jews in Esther 3:7.
Psalm 2 also gives us another insight to meetings that takes place before an affliction that will release pain…..
Why do the heathen rage……. And the people imagine a vain thing…..
Beloved, you can see that this is a plot and cleverly designed treason… NOTHING HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT!!.
In the later chapters, the foundation of the earth and creation is explained briefly and the adversary of man, the devil is unmasked, for us to understand the origin of pain. We would also see how you can be loosed from all the factors causing pains and emotional disturbance and discover that the real joy is only given at the feet of Jesus. Joy is a product of the spirit Galatians 5:22. As you discover all these, you will recover from all afflictions and savor the joy of the Lord.
Friday, 16 January 2015
get righteousness!
Sin Consciousness, A Bed Of Sorrows.
For anyone who would obtain eternal joy, there is need for such a person to understand what the consciousness of sin can cause. A wounded conscience can go a long way to bring about sorrow of the mind….
Beloved, this very topic is the bedrock of doctrines in the body of Christ that we can say is pulling some apart and threatening to split the body. But, we all know as it's written that the gate of hell can not prevail against the church. Alleluyah!!!.
Most doctrines are derived from the interpretation of what actually righteousness is and everyone goes around trying to establish a form of righteousness for themselves. This has led to the huge church prison experience as seen in RICK JOYNER'S BOOK TITLED ‘ THE CALL’.
Most people have mixed together the meaning of righteousness and holiness, but the two are completely different!
Righteousness means having the right standing before God while Holiness is living right…having good moral standards…..
Let me explain righteousness in layman terms; a child can stand before the parent based on the bloodline relationship by virtue of his birth, so also righteousness before God as Christians is not based on holiness but on the works that was finished by Jesus Christ to reconcile us to God as sons.
While the two are being confused with each other is that Holiness makes us to come to terms with reality that we are bought with a price by the redemption works on the cross and as a result, the saving of our soul requires presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice (Roman 12 verse 1-2)
While some folks who confuse the two say that you work out your righteousness and become holy by a great measure of self control and ethics and morals learnt over time, while another group says that by having faith, righteousness is imputed to you as Abraham in Romans 4;3.
' what saith the scripture? That Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness'
A lot even looked at some of the areas that the fathers of faith missed it, and use it as justification for sin.
You are just to believe the redemption works were done for you to be counted as righteous!.
The truth beloved is, YOU CAN BECOME HOLY, YOU CAN BECOME RIGHTEOUS!! Just follow me in this expository teaching!!! This does not mean that you will not miss it sometimes, but, we have an advocate, Lord Jesus, who is always there, interceding for us.1John 2:1
That anger, pride can leave without you making personal efforts!!!. Receive the knowledge that will bring this grace through this teaching in Jesus name.!!!! If you make personal efforts to conquer sins, it will work for a while and resurface in a bigger way in no distant time., and if you say that you do not have sin because you are a new creature, you have missed it!!!!. Paul the Apostle was able to conquer sin in Romans 7 through his skillfulness in the word of righteousness as in Hebrews 5;11- 14 ' …….‘of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing, for when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as need of milk and not of strong meat, for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness; for he is a babe, but strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of their senses exercised to discern both good and evil'.
How then do you attain righteousness? You don't need to wear bad clothes, or trousers that don't touch the ground, or very long skirt. I am going to explain to you by presenting the following scenario;
Follow me;
Suppose a young lady from very poor background gets a wedding proposition from a very wealthy man for marriage, and she consents, she will as a matter of fact move from her poverty and misery to the splendor of the groom. The groom will not tell her to leave her poverty, but by accepting to marry the groom, she will just have to let go of her poverty to live with the groom. Now, Jesus is our groom and we are the bride of the Lord, just like the bride, Jesus will not tell us to drop your sins, he never told the disciples that, at first, he only said, 'learn of me' Mattew 11. vs 29 he says we should learn of him so that we will know what is expected of us.
If the bride we refer to here was a woodcutter, she will learn in the home of the groom that we can use modern machinery for wood-cutting.
In his Economic system, which includes his feeding pattern, he has an alternative food which is the Word of God Luke 4 vs 4,
'man shall not live by bread alone…………….
and he demystified hunger in Deuteronomy 8 vs 3. 'and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger, that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread alone……………….. This is however one the most important attribute of the groom.
In his family pattern, John 1 vs 12
' but as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name' and 13 ' which are born not of…………………..his family means is not necessarily the people he was born with, NOT ALONG THE NATURAL LINES!! He mentioned this in John 3:6 his strategy is not on the natural lines in John 3:8
He met the needs of people first before thinking of his own needs in the feeding of 5000, but his own needs are always met as people bombarded him with money enough that he needed even a treasurer (Judas). HE WAS RICH. Martha was always cooking to receive him and the sinful woman used the most costly perfume to clean his legs.
He was refused a VISA to Samaritan village, but he was not angry and he detested vengeance because he knew who he was. Luke 9:51-56. He prepared food for the disciples who just betrayed him after death by resurrection John 21. Glory.!!!!!!!!!!!
DO THAT THING JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR GROOM!!!!!! Other wise, you will experience a broken fellowship. Be a doer of Gal 2:20!!!
If you operate in even a few of these, you will see results as his righteousness is revealed from faith to faith Romans 1:17. but I advise you to operate in all, so that you can be a joint heir of his kingdom!!!!!!.
As you live in the consciousness of the Word, fashion your life according to the Word who was made flesh John 1:14, 'and the word was made flesh……………… you will realize that you do not need to learn any form of righteousness as he has been made your righteousness. 1 Cor 1 vs 30. Get renewed by the Word Romans 12 vs 1-2 and you will just be perfect- Hebrews 6. If this is happening to others, it must be happening to you. You must live in HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Romans 8:28 brings eternal joy to your spirit anytime you are depressed because you know that all things work together for your good…….
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
are you protected in these contract/?
More About The Disciples Of Christ….
Humans are inquisitive beings by nature. We always want to know what our contract with God holds to be sure we are well considered. Abraham needed God to really explain to him about the OLD contract. Genesis 15:8. He wanted to know if he would really inherit the promise..
The Disciples were equally inquisitive. At different times, they wanted to know if they were protected in the new covenant with Jesus. These guys are no fools to die the way they did. They saw the man they revered so much ascend to Heaven as he promised and they knew they were protected in the contract.
What about us? I mean you and me? Remember Christ told the disciples to wait in the upper room for the promise of the Holy Ghost? And when the Holy Ghost came, the promise was sealed. The GUARANTEE OF THIS PROMISE IS THE HOLY GHOST!
Ephesians chapter 1 vs 13’ in Him you also who have heard the Word of Truth, the glad tidings (Gospel) of your salvation, and have believed in and adhered to and relied on him, were stamped with the seal of the long –promised Holy Spirit. 14”That (Spirit) is the guarantee of our inheritance(the first fruits, the pledge and foretaste, down payment on our Heritage), in anticipation of its full redemption and our acquiring (complete) possession of it ---to the praise of our glory!(AMP)

you can be happy again!
The Genesis of Emotional Problem
If we try to explain the Emotional Problems psychologically, we will be in for a wild goose chase as man is not an accidental product or a scientific product and that is why modern science can not unravel why we dream and it comes to reality…modern science can call something a mirage or hallucination, but the heart of man is always hungry for the supernatural! Get ready as I take you to the journey of that supernatural and give you a better picture of your spiritual state. Man is a spiritual being, and his problems are better spiritually diagnosed.
The Spirit of man is the real man and you can not hold it. The spirit leaves at death and you cannot hold it, but you can bury the body. That is why any help you seek outside the maker of the spirit will not be perfect.
Emotional problems emanate from the heart and that is why the bible says in proverbs 15 vs 13 ‘A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken’. Verse 22 of the 17th chapter of proverbs says a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken heart drieth the bones.
A broken spirit is the reason for emotional problem. The spirit cannot be physically broken, so emotional problems can not be physically solved under any circumstance. There are many spiritual factors that can lead to breaking of the spirit and I will be spiritually analyzing them so that you can kick out the devil and be happy once again! Beloved, the Lord wants you to be always happy as it is your covenant right.
Joy however has a foundation, and the foundation is spiritual. It is not embedded in getting a new house, or car or wife, it is the joy of the Lord that is real!!!All these others will get you on the emotional high side but will give you no real joy. It is short lived!
How do you get this joy of the Lord? You need a deeper understanding of who God is and what connects you to him. You also need to know how the universe is being run, so that you don’t blame God for everything that happens to you.
Even if you disagree with the Christian faith, you must agree to the fact that certain things have been beyond your comprehension and that is why the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:14 -16 the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them for they are spiritually discerned, but he that is spiritual judgeth all things…..
There are different levels of emotional disturbances and mental breakdown, they are all spiritual in root. The last chapters of this book will open your eyes to see that the spiritual world is far more organized than you think, they can influence your thoughts and shape your life, while you are deluded that you are in charge.
In underdeveloped societies, there is deprivation and hunger which many feel in such societies that is the major causative factor of lack of joy, but no! why do the rich also cry in more advanced societies? Why do the rich commit suicide given flimsy reasons?
Monday, 12 January 2015
Hungry For God
Who Is God?
The heart of man is always hungry for the supernatural, there is a world of the unseen he cannot touch. The philosophers brought several ideas that resulted to a lot of scientific discoveries but all these could not touch the world of the unseen.
Man cannot explain his origin, any knowledge that comes to him outside of his five senses are alien to him. He cannot explain the origin of the earth and so many other things are mysteries to him. However, these are not mysteries to us as we have been made custodians of the mystery of God [Matthew 11:25].We know that the world is held by the word of his power, we know that the Word of God creates! We know that the Word was made flesh, and he lived among us as a human being representing the deity of God on the earth. We also know that the natural mind cannot grasp this! 1 Corinthians 2:14-16.
We can distinctly analyze the difference between Spirit, Soul and Body in relation to the Word. Hebrews 4:12.
The laws of Moses in the bible forms the first five books which many analyst have agreed could not have been a product of human mind! it unravels the deity of the Almighty God. The books of the Pitikes, the Koran, the Eddas, The Five kings, the Four Vedas, and Zend Avesta all adopted most of the laws of Moses as the backbone of their quest in unraveling who God Almighty is. The sacred books of the pagans reveal a lot of erroneous and superstitious beliefs which can easily be seen as the product of the human mind.
The foolishness of world religions whose root is idolatry including the ones that partially adopt the laws of Moses but is an indirect idolatrous set-up wearing the Toga of religion is more exposed in the Bible in Isaiah 44 verse 14-17
‘He heweth him down cedars, and taketh the cypress and the oak which he strengtheneth for himself among the trees of the forest: he planteth an ash, and the rain doth nourish it. 15 Then it shall be for a man to burn: for he will take thereof, and warm himself: yea he kindleth it, and baketh bread; yea he maketh a god a worshipeth it; he maketh it a graven image, and falleth down thereto 16 He burneth part thereof; with part thereof he eateth flesh; he roasteth roast and he is satisfied: yea he warmeth himself, and saith Aha I am warm I have seen the fire: 17 and the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image; he falleth down unto it and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it and saith, deliver me; for thou art my god’
Most of the world religions and movements that even claim not to be idolatrous are still entrenched in hidden idolatry which contradicts Gods demands of worship. There is element of bowing down to one image or the other under the guise that the Almighty God commanded their leader to do so.
Christianity is not in anyway a religion. It was the way of life of the people who followed Christ closely and have power bestowed on them to do and show his works…. Acts of Apostles Chapter 11verse 26.
We are however going to look at some questions usually asked by curious minds about the deity of God and the reason for the coming of Christ as a savior of mankind below;
We know however by the word of God that we are made in the very image of God and that is the reason God manifested in the flesh to bring us refreshing and redemption John 1:14 (and the word was made flesh…. And dwelt among us
People Neglected!
This was taken after a glorious Sunday service at Origanrigan, a hamlet on the belt of Ijih town in the extreme corners of Lagos State Nigeria. The road accessibility is close to zero. The people are predominantly farmers settlers from Republique du Benin. They are Sawe speaking group and have their roots in Lobogo via come.
Now the World is crying for dangers of terrorism, but if you refuse to take the Gospel to groups like this, they will be vulnerable to whatever they hear and you may not be safe in future.
Don’t Be Afraid!
Whenever issues of mission is raised, people think of only money! It is not! You can support with your prayers also. Why not get involved today in this Critical Rescue Mission!
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Mandate of Dark Powers!
God made the universe with a lot of creatures that will help it to run, however at the fall, many fallen angels whose end of doom is already known to them, teamed up with the devil to fight man to make sure as many will end up in the same damnation as they are. The mandate is to kill, steal and destroy! John 10:10.
These powers being spiritual beings have access to the pre-destined plan of God over the lives of several people. The blue-print of the life they have seen gives them the idea of the type of weapon to use against different individuals, community and places. Why do they do this? They are only trying to see that they recruit as many to fall spiritually and enter damnation as they are… they are vengeful and non-repentant, they are unrelenting and very meticulous and calculating. If they know a certain individual will be useful to project their ideas and will not be a threat to them if he is rich, they will assist such in his pursuits of riches, the riches will however be with the absence or true joy, but if they know a person or place of thing will be dangerous to them in splendor and abundance, they will fight such with poverty to get the attention.
Who are these powers?
The origin of witchcraft is rebellion which started with the rebellion of satan against God Almighty.{1 Samuel 15 vs 23}. Witchcraft enforces domination and control over the victim. It always wants the victim to bend to its wishes, and when the otherwise happens, it will aim to destroy such a victim.
These powers operate in different environments in different ways, but the major aim is to bring about death and destruction. They can practice out of body experience by projecting their spirit to meet with other spirits in a designated coven where they inflict pains by making and enforcing evil decrees on their victims. However, some people whose spirit might not agree with this program can be unconsciously initiated to still perform this same purpose without their physical knowledge. Such people sometime see themselves in strange gatherings in dreams. Some operate by evil imaginations…..Psalm 2 :why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing…..
Witchcraft can project very strong imaginations that works….. 2 Corinthians 10 verse 4-6 gives us an insight into the defeat of these demoniacal powers.
In very poor environments, witchcraft can operate to really oppress its victims under instrumentality of poverty and hardship to wreck more havoc and bring forth a lot more distressing situations and even deaths, however developed societies are not immune to the operations of witchcraft as they sponsor evil thoughts and suicidal tendencies with very little excuses.
Witchcraft sponsors evil decisions that results into sorrows, tears and blood despite sophistication in advanced environments.
Note the following about witchcraft:
1. It is responsible for loss of peace 2kings9:22
2. It encourages worship of false gods and destructive sacrifices 2 chronicles 33:6
3. It destroys nations and territories by satanic bargains.
Many individuals are being initiated into witchcraft consciously or unconsciously and are agents of pain and so they become agents of pain and sorrow while they also bear the pain and sorrow as well.
I have encountered witchcraft in diverse dimensions and I can read a lot of their operations.
Familiar Spirit. As the name implies are spirits that knows a lot about an individual from the ancestry. These spirits were able to find their place because of the history of idolatry in that individual. They have spiritual legality that was established at one point or the other, with or without the consent of the victim. Familiar spirit can be an imperfect duplicate and produce an almost complete information about its victim at every point in time.
In 1 Samuel 28:15-19, we can see that a certain woman with familiar spirit was able to access to some divine information for saul. This is through the spirit of divination which is an abomination unto God.
The familiar spirit has powers to penetrate higher realm than the witchcraft powers and to project dangerous things into peoples spiritual lives sometimes through dreams, thus making life for the victim one of trouble, problems, challenges and sorrows.
Spiritual Spouses.
This is a very serious problem that unfortunately many people are very unaware of…The origin of this problem is found in Genesis 6 verse 1-2.
‘and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose’.
The beings referred to as sons of God in the above scriptures were angels that violated spiritual principles and began to pollute men spiritually. They are the ones referred to in Jude verse 6
‘and the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in the everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day’.
These powers are responsible for lovemaking in the dream! Love making was not designed to take place in the dream. It is a God ordained exercise for the body for procreation. Lovemaking is the body and soul (emotions) at work, and not the spirit.
These beings described above were the beings that Jesus went and preached to in 1 peter 3:19 after his resurrection. The judgment of this beings are sealed.
Any form of love making in the dream, whether with known or unknown faces usually drains the victim of spiritual energy and introduces regrets and sorrows.
However, because the perpetrators of this spiritual violence’ doom is sealed, they can be cast out and their operation can be ceased only in Jesus name.
Curses and Covenants As Destroyers of Joy.
Both curses and covenants have the abilities to destroys future and present joy in the lives of their victims.
Curses are defined in oxford dictionary as a magic word or phrase that has magical powers to make bad or evil happen. The challenges some people are going through at the moment was designed long ago by the instrumentality of curse. Curses have the divine ability to pass through several generations until it is convenient for it to act. A present cause of sorrow may have been predetermined for hundreds or thousands of years before manifestation. It is the reason for some peculiar types of mishaps in form of sickness or one form of tragedy or the other being experienced by some certain people.
Lets look at a very good scriptural example: Joshua 6 verse 26 Joshua the servant of God pronounced a curse
26‘ and Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn and in his youngest son shall he sep up the gates of it”
This curse was brought to fulfillment in approximately 600 years after it was pronounced in 1 kings 16 verse 34
‘in his days did Hiel the bethelite build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son segub, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun.
Covenants on the other hand are agreements with strong legal backing. Let me point at this stage that there was first a very strong legal system spiritually before men began to develop legal systems in the physical. The bible itself is a book of covenant of God’s dealings with men in it’s entirety and the expectations and demands of this legal system is well spelt out as well as the price paid or to be paid if one side is defaulting. People suffer the misdeeds of others who have broken one covenant or the other in their generation.
Beloved, human beings may forget this covenant or even die before a covenant is executed, but spirits do not die, they ensure that a covenant is duly enforced.
Many Christians have misinterpreted the grace given to them by the redemption work as believing it has exempted them from curses and covenants because of the finished work on the cross…..
This is true, but you have an obligation to fulfill to bring about the manifestation in your own case, that is why Jesus says we have to bind on earth before it is bound in Heaven…. Matthew 18 verse 18.
Just as it is your choice to accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, so also, it is your choice to remain under a curse or to be loosed from it…
The subject of curses and covenants cannot be fully discussed in this book but this is just to establish the fact that most things we may just wave off as accidental occurrence have very serious spiritual backing and mandate.
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Understanding The Completeness of Salvation and The Root Of Joy.
The anticipation of a great expectation can be a very good tonic to the soul. For a bride, the anticipation of her wedding can bring some anxiety loaded with joy, for a businessman, it may be the news of an expected business breakthrough, and for a sick, the symptoms of the sickness disappearing, but the bible says something interesting about the salvation of our souls in Isaiah 12 verse 3
‘Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation’
So then Christians should be the liveliest folks!
How then is it that many times you still see Christians dull, moody, and filled with anxiety? The answers is that though these ones claim to know God, the issue of salvation and the expectation of the glory promised by God has not been settled in their hearts!
It is necessary to note that the salvation of our soul is in three stages, namely the saving of our spirit man, saving of the soul and finally the redemption of our bodies.
Many receive the word in their spirit and make confessions according to Romans 10:10
‘for with heart man believeth unto righteousness but with mouth confession is made unto salvation’.
But salvation does not end there! Man is embodiment of the spirit, soul and body! The word of God is capable of diving the three (Hebrews 4:12). Most people don’t know the difference between the soul and the spirit yet the Bibles says the word of God can effectively divide them!
The soul is the point at which we contact the emotional and intellectual realm through our senses and the soul needs to be saved through a process as well, otherwise the spirit will be lost over time if the soul is not saved Romans 12 verse 1-2 gives a deeper insight
‘ I beseech you therefore by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Beloved, what can make you accept the scripture above and its demands is that you believe that the salvation of your soul offers you the best of eternity that is worth waiting for! If you don’t have this hope, the saving of your soul will not be possible.
The redemption of our body is the last stage of the process of salvation. This can be found in Romans 8 verse 22-23
‘ for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23 and not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
The above is the perfect state of the man/woman who understands the very nitty-gritty of salvation. This understanding brings about a fresh hope of eternity and destroys the sense of condemnation that goes with sin, guilty conscience and satanic manifestations which are really the root causes of sorrow.
'' In effect Salvation is:
-the saving of our Spirit man. This happens when the word of God is confessed according to Rom 10:10 in faith and in absolute deference to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It confers on us the instantaneous renewal of our spirit man which is what is referred to as the new birth.
-The saving of the soul. These entails constant reading, hearing and meditating on God's word over a period of time with the attendant effect of humbling the soul, renewing the mind, making it meek and obedient to the word. Long term exposure to the word cuts off ignorance from our understanding, cuts of rebellion from the will and cuts of carnality from the intellect and gives us control over the emotions
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