Saturday, 28 February 2015

saved by #grace

#saved by #Grace #Cartoon. Tells the #story of #salvation, #trials #deliverance and #victory

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

are you protected in these contract?

Are you protected in this #contract?
More About The #Disciples Of Christ….
Humans are inquisitive beings by nature. We always want to know what our contract with #God holds to be sure we are well considered. Abraham needed  God to really explain to him about the OLD contract. Genesis 15:8. He wanted to know if he would really inherit the promise..
The Disciples were equally inquisitive. At different times, they wanted to know if they were protected in the new #covenant with  Jesus. These guys are no fools to die the way they did. They saw the man they revered so much ascend to #Heaven as he promised and they knew they were protected in the contract.
What about us? I mean you and me? Remember Christ told the disciples to wait in the upper room for the promise of the Holy Ghost? And when the Holy Ghost came, the promise was sealed. The #GUARANTEE OF THIS PROMISE IS THE #HOLY GHOST!

Saturday, 21 February 2015


You don't have to be a Preacher to be #God's #Friend.
#Abraham was a #farmer!
Romans 4:2 says:
Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for #Righteousness.
Are you a #Doctor? #Company executive? #Policeman?
Believe in the works finished on the  #Cross by  #Jesus Christ
is the gate to Righteousness. To sustain Righteousness, you have to #abide in Him. John 15:7

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

expect a healing and not a feeling!

How To Obtain Divine  Healing.(Part2 )
#Reasons, #Senses  and #facts are the means to contact the #intellectual realm and they form the activity of the #soul. Man became a living soul as God breathed into him at creation( Genesis 2:7). As a result of the fall, man is much attuned to the soul instead of the spirit.
A new man is the one who accepts the Word of God as it is spoken, believe the Word, process the Word and the Word become part of his existence.
#Imagination against healing is also an enemy( 2 Corinthians 10:5), we must cast down imagination contrary to healing…
God is contacted by the Spirit because he is a spirit himself .John 4:24. When the Word of healing is processed successfully, your feelings do not matter, healing is what results!
Expect A Healing And Not #Feeling!

Sunday, 15 February 2015


Understanding  the #righteousness of the #law and the righteousness   #faith. No man can talk of #God beyond his personal #encounter.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

#Gods #noble plan for #creation

Ques: What was #God's plan in creating man?
Ans: God wanted to connect his kingdom in heaven to the earth, he created the heaven and earth so he could reign in both heaven and earth. That is why Christ came to preach 'thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven' Matthew 6. He made man his earthly representative as he bestowed unto Adam, the responsibility of naming all other creatures. (Gen 2:19)
God’s plan was #noble, he made Adam a free #moral agent, so he could effectively run the earth without being pushed around. The fall of man through Adam was a well calculated treason by Adam and Eve to usurp the authority of their maker. Through this fall, #satan became the pseudo ruler of the earth. Jesus never disagreed when satan told him in his temptation that everything had been given to him. Luke 4 verse 5-6
‘5And the devil taking him up into an high mountain, shewed  unto him the kingdom of the world in a moment of time 6 and the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it’
#Jesus Christ agrees that the world belongs to the devil, that’s why he didn’t try to correct him on these statement! You would ask? How and when did the devil become the owner of the earth? The answer is that Adam sold it to him through sin and disobedience.
Christ did not contend with the devil over the ownership, rather he came to break his(the devil) power by his earthly assignment and death on the cross… He has become the author of salvation to the ones who INDIVIDUALLY  decide to detach to THE KINGDOM OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD..The invitation is an open one. John 1:12

Ques: What nature was man made? What were his qualities?
Ans: God breathed in to man and he became a living #soul. Gen 2: 7 This made the first Adam predominantly soulish- a slave of his senses, i.e eyes, ears , taste, feel, smell. He is a  #terrestrial  being and the spirit in him was subject to his accepted master. By the fall, the spirit was already subject to the devil and it began to strive with God. Gen 6:3.
Ques: How can man acquire a celestial spirit?
Ans: This is only made possible to redeemed saints who professed faith in Christ Jesus.
Had man a quickening spirit, 1 Cor 15:45, He would have possessed a #celestial body which is immortal, but he did not eat the fruit  of the tree of life Gen3:22 which in the sense realm could have given him this ability before he was driven out of the garden.
God has both terrestrial and celestial body, so he functions in heaven and earth. And Christ, took up his celestial body after resurrection, because he has  a quickening  spirit, that is different from that of man. This enabled him to resurrect in the same earthly body.
At new birth, we acquire the quickening spirit which manifests after physical death ,that gives us the eternal life 1 John 5 vs 12. At physical death, we pick up our celestial bodies. 1 Cor 15. This is no longer in the sense realm, but in the faith realm, because we are now justified by faith ..Romans 5.

Ques: How was eve deceived?
Ans: Eve was deceived  through the same thing that still deceives many Christians today. Which is contention with the word of God. God gave them direct instructions but they followed the voice of the stranger. The serpent knew that the spirit in man is subject to mastership {psalm 51:12} Man is a free spirit. He is a free moral agent, so satan simply re-analysed   God's word and Eve gave in.. Gen3:6.
The major points to note in this matter were the things that informed the decision of Eve.
1.    The woman saw that the fruit was good for food[lust of flesh] 1 john 2;15-17
2.    She saw that it was pleasant to the eyes[lust of eyes]1 john 2 ;15-17
3.    She learnt it would make her wise[pride of life] 1 john 2;15-17
The devil's real mission is to counter the word of God and provide an alternative that will get man into trouble.
Ques: Does this have a root in the New Testament of The Bible?
Ans: Jesus is the Word of God manifested in the flesh  John 1:14 and he being the Word himself gave his own analysis as the sower of the word in Mark 4:14-19. The summary of this scripture is the same with the above. When the word of God is sown, if any of the above three things(Lust) are present, it will definitely choke the word.
One can have all the good things of life and live for Christ, if the Word is treasured.

Beloved, the world is presently going through a lot of crisis and unfortunately, with all the wonderful promises that Jesus gave the believers in the scripture, the believers are also going through all these woes. Christian marriages are crashing, businesses of professed Christians are on downturn, Christians are dying of terminal diseases, Bad habits are not given up etc. The list is endless .One question you should ask yourself  is this, if am truly a child of God, why are am I going through  what I am  presently going through? Does it mean that those promises are not for me? I am going to take you through a journey of faith that will end all those problems, calamities and afflictions in Jesus name.
There is an assurance of faith you must have if you are going through the above..(to be continued.... )

Sunday, 8 February 2015

#healing for you today

The Three #Buildings.
The human #being is made up of three buildings, namely the #Spirit, #Soul and Body.
2 Corinthians 5  from verse 1 says ‘For we know that if our #earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved, we have a building of God, and house not made with  hands #eternal from heaven’
The earthly house referred to here is the body. The body can be remodeled the way we want, we can even do plastic #surgery to make our bodies to our taste, the body can also be subjected to the wants of our soul, but it can be dissolved by #sickness and perish like a  pack of cards!
This scripture goes on to say, there is a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal from heaven …..
Your Spirit cannot be remodeled with hands. It cannot be harmed with hands, it cannot be re shaped by hands. Have you ever wondered why some people are so feeble and sickly but they keep on living? And some people look so well but they are suddenly struck down and die? Why do the healing of some people shock the Doctors and make medical  theories sound unreal? The answer is that, though they were sick but their Spirit sustained their infirmity. The bible says the Spirit of man will sustain his infirmity but a broken spirit, who can bear?....Proverb 18 verse 14
The third building is your soul. The soul serves as an intermediary between the body and the spirit in both sustaining the infirmity or receiving your healing. The soul is the information ministry that receives information, processes and #transmits to the Spirit. It is the seat of your emotions, will and drive.
It is from your soul you receive information such as ‘do you know this sickness kills fast’? you must die now, no one survives this type of illness’
Your soul has the capacity to store negative or positive database to use in periods like this. As it has the ability to store negative things, it also has the ability to store positive things as well. It has the ability to accept the Word of God and transmit same to your Spirit. Words such as ‘He was wounded for my transgression, bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon him, and by his stripes I am  HEALED! Isaiah 53:5. Your soul has the capability to cling unto the Word of the Lord which says ‘I am the Lord that #heals you’ Exodus 15 vs. 26(AMP).
If you were taught to make positive confessions only without a conviction in your soul, if your soul only goes for negative information without corresponding effort to get positive testimonies of what God did in the days of Bible, and what he still does now, if you are not committed to pondering over the testimonies of God related to your situation, your soul will be fed with junks and the Healing works you desire might not come!
Have you read about the man of God called Smith Wiggleworth that was healed of appendicitis and later had kidney stones? He lived with kidney stones for six years and was eventually healed, but while he lived with kidney stones, he was still used as a vessel to visit several countries  and heal many others. How did he get the strength? He did because the spirit was not sick!
Have you heard of Kenneth Hagin, who was deathly sick of deformed heart and left to die at seventeen but was miraculously healed by believing God’s word on his sick bed and later went on to become a healing minister and lived on till the Lord took him at eighty-three?
I have personally been healed of hypertension, heart palpitation, and many other ailments by appropriating the Word of God by faith.
What keeps a man living on when his body is giving all the evidence that he should have died is the building of the spirit! When the building of the spirit is fed with the right information from the soul building, and the information is processed and accepted, Healing results!
Sometimes the Spirit is healed, but it takes the body sometime to regain its composure, if this is the case, we need to continuously take a stand in the Spirit that the Healing is done. Seeing in the eyes of the Spirit that the building of God which is in you  is healed because the maker  has affirmed that ‘I AM THE LORD THAT HEALS YOU’

Friday, 6 February 2015

higher step in the school of #faith

Beloved, Your coming across this message is divine and timely, no matter when you get it because heaven is about to step into your case and mould you to the shape that your creator originally designed. Amen. It is a tragedy that a lot of people are not following God"s original design for their lives, some are what their parents want them to be, some are what the society want them to be, some are what the enemies want them to be and a lot more what friends want them to be, but I prophesy to your life, that as you follow the series of these messages, you will be transformed in the name of Jesus. The Bible is the perfect manual to run the life of man as it is the trusted word from the creator who says we are his workmanship created for good works. Ephesians 2:10. For the next twelve months, we will be looking at Twelve areas in the School of the #Spirit Starting with #Faith, on to #Healing, #Spiritual Gifts, #Heavenly #Visions, Prayer, #Holy Spirit, Eternity/Salvation, #Spiritual Power, Provoking Blessings/ Prosperity Without Compromising Righteousness, Visions and Dreams, Walking in the miraculous, Deliverance/Defeating demonic Strongholds. We believe that these teachings will ultimately bless your life and give you an eternal hope that we have already. In these very edition, we will be discussion faith in a deeper context. The world is perishing because of the problem of faith, because we are Justified by faith in the act of omnipotence of the creator(Romans 5 Vs 1.
And it is this faith that gives us ultimate peace with God, and answers all lives questions. It is by faith we have ACCESS TO GRACE THAT MAKES US TO KEEP STANDING. (ROMANS 5 Vs 2). Faith is not cheap talk, it is a journey! But it is the best route to the best of what eternity offers. I personally can testify that faith is the thing! Now let"s examine the greatest enemies of faith.Please read meditatively with your bible by your side to digest the following scriptural references. At the fall (Gen 3:22) in the garden, man who was created soulish (sense conscious) Gen 2:7, was left at the mercy of his 5 senses (see, taste, feel , smell or touch) and every contact that he has with the world and everything he knows about the world is through these five senses. To aid his senses in search for reality, man has developed the microscope, telescope and spectroscope, yet, these instruments have only aided his senses in contact with the world around him. However, he has discovered that there is a spiritual world i.e. (dreams) that he can not contact/control through his senses, he knows also that the universe is held by a force that he can not explain through his senses, then, in his quest to dissolve mysteries, he delves into psychology, Christian science, new age, philosophies, myths, and several religions but all could not contact God and could not unravel the problem of sin and eternity. Then in his foolishness, he concludes that God must be a kind of universal mind. All the above gave birth to the sense knowledge that has been the problem of man. Sense knowledge can not contact God. God is a Spirit and can only be contacted in the realm of the spirit. (John 4:24) 2 Cor. 4vs.18 makes us understand that "anything that is seen is temporal" while the unseen realities are the things that have eternal value. Once the senses can have a grasp of a thing or an action, it does not have eternal value.
Sense knowledge has limited man"s walk of faith with the God "WHO QUICKENETH THE DEAD AND CALLETH THOSE THINGS WHICH BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE" (Rom 4:17). The God that has called forth these things has given us a knowledge that is higher than sense knowledge and it is called the REVELATION KNOWLEDGE. The revelation knowledge requires that men will belief first before they see. Man however is so sense ruled that he wants to see before he believes. The foolish thing in these is that "SCIENTIFIC THEORIES ARE FIRSTLY BITS AND PIECES OF GUESSWORK CALLED HYPOTHESIS BEFORE IT IS ACCEPTED AS THEORY" and this is the backbone of today"s inventions that man has trusted so much. The "REVELATION KNOWLEDGE" also requires that man will first receive God"s Word and believe and act upon the Word to see results, (Jeremiah 1:12) says I will hasten my word to perform it. But man has kicked against this revelation knowledge and has suffered for it greatly. We will share two common examples in the scripture now. In Luke 17 vs. 11-19, some lepers went to meet Christ to be healed and he didn"t lay hands on them to heal them as expected, but he told them TO GO AND SHOW THEMSELVES TO THE PRIEST, AND ON THEIR WAY THEY WERE HEALED.NOTE THAT AS AT WHEN THESE PEOPLE LEFT JESUS, THEY WERE NOT HEALED BUT WHEN THEY ACTED ON HIS WORD, THEY RECEIVED THE HEALING. WE CANNOT PRESCRIBE TO GOD THE EXACT WAY WE WANT HIM TO MOVE IN OUR SITUATION BUT WE CAN MOVE HIM BY OUR ACT OF FAITH AND UNWAVERING TRUST IN HIS WORD. The man of God, Smith Wigglesworth said "if the spirit does not move me, I move the spirit". In the case of Jesus Christ encounter with Peter in Luke 5 vs. 5, "Peter who happened to be a professional fisherman said to Christ "master, we have toiled all night, nevertheless, at your word, I will let down my net" NOTE : AT THY WORD. Christ is the "WORD MADE FLESH" that answers all questions on the totality of our existence. THE WORLD IS HELD TOGETHER BY THE WORD OF HIS POWER. (Heb 1:vs3). When we pray for healing, it is because the person we pray for, can not see/accept that he has been healed as in Isaiah 53:5. He now has to come under another scripture that says "we shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover Mark 16:15. Many will also not be moved until they are anointed with oil.
I HAVE THE REALITY OF ISAIAH 53:5 IN MY SPIRIT, AND THAT IS WHY I ALWAYS SAY/PREACH, I CAN NOT BE SICK. BELOVED, DO NOT MIS-INTERPRETE ME, I DO FEEL SICKNESS SOMETIMES, BUT IT CAN NOT STAY, BECAUSE THE REALITY OF THE WORD IS HIGHER THAN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SICKNESS. Most people who claim to have faith do not really have faith, they only say it as a mental assent, it is not REAL!. STURBORN FAITH IS UNWAVARING IN FACE OF REALITY OF SENSES AND OBVIOUS OPPOSITIONS.!!!!!!!!!! I have laid hands on the sick sometimes and pray "be healed in Jesus name" and I ask the sick person" are you healed? Then he says "the pain is still there." Such a fellow should concentrate on his doctors because he has not received the Word of faith and COULD only have been healed by the sovereign act of the Almighty God. Some also place their faith in experiences. All these is sense knowledge and will not achieve results. Beloved, you need to know that the devil is clever and his demons are present EVEN when prayer is being prayed for the sick,(Job 1:6) THEY ARE PRESENT WHERE EVER THE ANGELS OF LIGHT ARE TOO. THEY ARE CLEVER LAWYERS WHO CAN EASILY ACCUSE YOU OF THE SPIRITUAL CRIME OF UNBELIEF. IT IS AMAZING THAT WE HAVE SO MUCH FAITH IN HUMAN ORGANISATIONS LIKE BANKS. WE WRITE A CHECK IN OUR NAME AS LONG AS WE HAVE THE MONEY, WE EXPECT THE BANK TO HONOUR IT. WE INVEST IN SEVERAL ORGANISATIONS AND EXPECT RETURNS AS PROMISED. BUT THE LORD HAS GIVEN US THE WORD AND HIMSELF AS GUARANTEE TO BACK IT UP (JER 1:12) BUT WE SCORN IT. Before we round up, we will share the spectacular act of faith by the man of God Elijah in turning the hand of God by faith. In the book of First Kings, Elijah had locked up the heaven and was now going to open it up after slaying the Baal prophets. In the beginning of the mighty act of faith demonstrated by Elijah, (verse 41),He challenged the king to prepare for rain without any doubt. As at this time, he had not even informed God in prayer as to his intention of re-opening the heaven. Then he sent his servant seven times to check the rain when he was on his knees petitioning the Lord for rain, and immediately the servant reported that he saw something like a man"s hand rise out of the sea he announced his FAITH BREATHROUGH WITHOUT DELAY AS HE SENT A MESSAGE TO THE KING TO RUN AHEAD OF THE RAIN WHILE HE OUTRAN THE KING. ALLELUJAH! HE HAD THE OPTION TO WALK AND NOT RUN BUT HE HAD TO PERFECT HIS FAITH ACT WITH DEMONSTRATION! FAITH IS AN EVIDENCE, IT IS NOT CHEAP TALK!!!!!!! Beloved, why will Elijah go through all these when he could have just prayed casually and rain would come? Let us not forget that man in complete charge over the affairs of the earth as God is in Heaven, GEN 1:28, PSALM 115 :16. There are other demoniacal forces that are operating on earth until their time runs out in the second advent. These forces can cause delay in receiving answers to prayer. In Daniel 10 verse 11-14, we can see how these forces cause delay, and how persistence in the alter of prayer and violent faith dislodge these forces. Arise beloved and take your position in the victory provided for you in Christ Jesus. You can change that situation, you can turn around those events, you can make a difference now in your situation. Only believe!!!! However, God is not under obligation to bless his enemies, and the only way you can become his friend is to accept the elaborate plan of redemption he accomplished in Christ Jesus. If you have not done this, or you just did it mentally but not from your heart, say the following prayers after me: Lord Jesus, I believe that you died for me and on the third day, you rose that I may be justified. As from today, I accept you as my Lord and personal savior, I am sorry for my sins, and with your grace, I will not go back to them, write my name in the book of life and keep me from the tricks of Satan. Amen. I congratulate everyone that has prayed this prayer and welcome you to the faith world of possibilities. Faith is it!!

Monday, 2 February 2015

#Power TO #Heal

There is a depth in the spirit that i want you to reach. There are levels of possibilities you have probably not known. In Mathew 9 verse 24-25, Jesus Christ went to bring a girl that was dead back to life. He had to tell the relatives, friends, mourners to leave the room because spiritual things don’t work in the atmosphere of unbelief !! When he had driven away the mourners he took the girl by hand, and she arose! I believe Jesus did this because he was in the spirit, he only spoke and the spirit of death bowed. All the parameters that brings about death were just taking place concerning this particular girl. However, in John chapter11, Lazarus had been dead for four days, and the spirit of death had caged him. He was already stinking, to attain the realm in the spirit that would cage death, Jesus was overwhelmed with compassion and ‘he wept’. He then began to groan in the spirit and the bible says “he was troubled”. When you groan in the spirit or travail, something will be born by you spiritually. There will be a release of tremendous power for deliverance! That was what happened. There was power released for the bringing back of lazarus back to life! When all these were accomplished, he cried ‘ Lazarus! Come forth ‘” and the bands of death was broken immediately. I am challenging you to be provoked in the spirit so that you can obtain your deliverance right away. Are you ready? There is a fountain flowing with the virtues of Jesus that can be birthed in the spirit to take you out of that infirmity. I have been through this journey before and tell you it is a sweet adventure in the spirit!