Friday 16 January 2015

get righteousness!

Sin Consciousness, A Bed Of Sorrows. For anyone who would obtain eternal joy, there is need for such a person to understand what the consciousness of sin can cause. A wounded conscience can go a long way to bring about sorrow of the mind…. Beloved, this very topic is the bedrock of doctrines in the body of Christ that we can say is pulling some apart and threatening to split the body. But, we all know as it's written that the gate of hell can not prevail against the church. Alleluyah!!!. Most doctrines are derived from the interpretation of what actually righteousness is and everyone goes around trying to establish a form of righteousness for themselves. This has led to the huge church prison experience as seen in RICK JOYNER'S BOOK TITLED ‘ THE CALL’. Most people have mixed together the meaning of righteousness and holiness, but the two are completely different! Righteousness means having the right standing before God while Holiness is living right…having good moral standards….. Let me explain righteousness in layman terms; a child can stand before the parent based on the bloodline relationship by virtue of his birth, so also righteousness before God as Christians is not based on holiness but on the works that was finished by Jesus Christ to reconcile us to God as sons. While the two are being confused with each other is that Holiness makes us to come to terms with reality that we are bought with a price by the redemption works on the cross and as a result, the saving of our soul requires presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice (Roman 12 verse 1-2) While some folks who confuse the two say that you work out your righteousness and become holy by a great measure of self control and ethics and morals learnt over time, while another group says that by having faith, righteousness is imputed to you as Abraham in Romans 4;3. ' what saith the scripture? That Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness' A lot even looked at some of the areas that the fathers of faith missed it, and use it as justification for sin. You are just to believe the redemption works were done for you to be counted as righteous!. The truth beloved is, YOU CAN BECOME HOLY, YOU CAN BECOME RIGHTEOUS!! Just follow me in this expository teaching!!! This does not mean that you will not miss it sometimes, but, we have an advocate, Lord Jesus, who is always there, interceding for us.1John 2:1 That anger, pride can leave without you making personal efforts!!!. Receive the knowledge that will bring this grace through this teaching in Jesus name.!!!! If you make personal efforts to conquer sins, it will work for a while and resurface in a bigger way in no distant time., and if you say that you do not have sin because you are a new creature, you have missed it!!!!. Paul the Apostle was able to conquer sin in Romans 7 through his skillfulness in the word of righteousness as in Hebrews 5;11- 14 ' …….‘of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing, for when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as need of milk and not of strong meat, for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness; for he is a babe, but strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of their senses exercised to discern both good and evil'. How then do you attain righteousness? You don't need to wear bad clothes, or trousers that don't touch the ground, or very long skirt. I am going to explain to you by presenting the following scenario; Follow me; Suppose a young lady from very poor background gets a wedding proposition from a very wealthy man for marriage, and she consents, she will as a matter of fact move from her poverty and misery to the splendor of the groom. The groom will not tell her to leave her poverty, but by accepting to marry the groom, she will just have to let go of her poverty to live with the groom. Now, Jesus is our groom and we are the bride of the Lord, just like the bride, Jesus will not tell us to drop your sins, he never told the disciples that, at first, he only said, 'learn of me' Mattew 11. vs 29 he says we should learn of him so that we will know what is expected of us. If the bride we refer to here was a woodcutter, she will learn in the home of the groom that we can use modern machinery for wood-cutting. COME LETS MOVE ON: THE GROOM (JESUS) HAS HIS FAMILY SYSTEM, HIS ECONOMIC SYSTEM, HIS REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, HOW HE RESPONDS TO SITUATIONS etc. In his Economic system, which includes his feeding pattern, he has an alternative food which is the Word of God Luke 4 vs 4, 'man shall not live by bread alone……………. and he demystified hunger in Deuteronomy 8 vs 3. 'and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger, that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread alone……………….. This is however one the most important attribute of the groom. In his family pattern, John 1 vs 12 ' but as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name' and 13 ' which are born not of…………………..his family means is not necessarily the people he was born with, NOT ALONG THE NATURAL LINES!! He mentioned this in John 3:6 his strategy is not on the natural lines in John 3:8 He met the needs of people first before thinking of his own needs in the feeding of 5000, but his own needs are always met as people bombarded him with money enough that he needed even a treasurer (Judas). HE WAS RICH. Martha was always cooking to receive him and the sinful woman used the most costly perfume to clean his legs. He was refused a VISA to Samaritan village, but he was not angry and he detested vengeance because he knew who he was. Luke 9:51-56. He prepared food for the disciples who just betrayed him after death by resurrection John 21. Glory.!!!!!!!!!!! ALL THE ABOVE CAN BE DONE BY YOU AS YOU CONTINUE TO RENEW YOUR MIND IN THE WORD DAILY. DO THAT THING JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR GROOM!!!!!! Other wise, you will experience a broken fellowship. Be a doer of Gal 2:20!!! If you operate in even a few of these, you will see results as his righteousness is revealed from faith to faith Romans 1:17. but I advise you to operate in all, so that you can be a joint heir of his kingdom!!!!!!. As you live in the consciousness of the Word, fashion your life according to the Word who was made flesh John 1:14, 'and the word was made flesh……………… you will realize that you do not need to learn any form of righteousness as he has been made your righteousness. 1 Cor 1 vs 30. Get renewed by the Word Romans 12 vs 1-2 and you will just be perfect- Hebrews 6. If this is happening to others, it must be happening to you. You must live in HEAVEN ON EARTH. Romans 8:28 brings eternal joy to your spirit anytime you are depressed because you know that all things work together for your good…….

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