Tuesday, 17 March 2015

get the #power

Get The #Power!
Beloved, to be  a successful  Christian/Minister manifesting the power and gifts of God in your area of calling, or to maintain your  deliverance from afflictions, you must be endued with Power that can only come from above (Acts 1:8). And it is important to know about the power resources available to you by covenant promise so that you can operate in them.
i have a compulsory assignment for the readers of this book. It is very important you partake in it so that you can move your ministry and your life to the next level! #God bless you!
 Friend! the bible says that man was made a Lord of the earth while Heaven is mans abode  Gen 1:28-30 Psalm 115:16. This transfer of power from God to man is man’s  Dominion of the earth.
To dominate is taken from the word DOMINION which means; To control, To rule, To govern, To put under subjection!.
The incentives available to man in this contract was #SUPERNATURAL WIDOM  and UNBROKEN FELLOWSHIP. The #WISDOM  was exhibited in ADAM  naming all the animals including the wild animals without harm. Gen 2:19-20. The Fellowship gave him access to unlimited  heavenly resources which was to help in the administration of the earth. All the #ANGELIC  beings in heaven were at his disposal and command until he fell from this grace Gen 3:9-20
The result of the fall in the garden  was inferiority complex, fear of the unknown and spiritual alienation from God and heavenly forces.
The initial supernatural  wisdom was displayed  by God  in some men(control over wild beast without fear) i.e Noah  in Gen 7:14 , Solomon in   2Chronicles 9:19.
Moses and Abraham also enjoyed direct fellowship with God in different dispensations.
How does this apply  to receiving spiritual power?   Mark 16 verse 15-18 gives a scripture that showcases restoration of  all the powers of the dominion of ADAM  to the regenerated man. However, most of the people who this authority is bequeathed to, do not operate in power that is already available. Why is this?
Firstly, if we examine   deeply the  command in the above Scripture, we will see that we need the anointing of the Holy Ghost  in 3 key areas:
1 .  To preach with conviction so that sinners are brought to repentance.,
2.  To heal the sick
3.  To cast out demons
Healing the sick and casting out demons will help to preach with conviction so that sinners are brought to repentance. This command is general, so an average Christian should be able to fulfill this  commission.
Why then do people who are given this command find it hard to operate in it? The answer is found in what was lost by the fall in the garden and the consciousness of the teachings of Jesus Christ which I will like you to read very attentively below.
There were basically 3 sins that was committed  in the garden at the fall . They are:
LUST OF EYES    Gen 3 vs 6 ,  1 john 2 vs 15-17LUST OF THE FLESH     Gen 3:vs 6,  1 john2 vs 15-17
PRIDE OF LIFE.   Gen 3 vs 6,  1 john 2 vs 15-17
When Adam dropped the Baton of Dominion, the law and prophets could not handle it to perfection, JESUS PICKED THE BATON FOR ME AND YOU! And you are licensed  to operate like him! JOHN 14:12
In praying for the sick for instance for healing,  most people still manifest the sin that led to the fall of our  first parents and the fear and inferiority that followed when they were driven out of the garden. You must be very confident that the name of Jesus does not disappoint. If the sick is not Healed by your prayer, you have not failed! Jesus have not failed! If you feel you have failed, that is PRIDE OF LIFE. It MAY  just means that you need more information from the Holy SPIRIT.
As at the time  you lay hands on the sick to pray, you may not have received any direction from the Holy Spirit, but as you persevere in the prayer, you are sure to receive direction if your faith does not waver. The major problem in this is that people want to see the healing manifesting in few seconds and if it does not, they are disappointed  and they stop because they operated in PRIDE. We are not to feel  disappointed if we do not see instant healing because we are just SONS who are doing the biding of our LORD. PRIDE exhibited at such times shows we are still in the state of the fallen man.
There are several things that will determine if the sick will be healed. Most times, you may need to work on the faith of the sick to bring him to the level of believing, sometimes, you may discover that an un -confessed sin can be a hindrance , you may also discern and cast out demon before healing will take place e.t.c.
One key thing is that you must be dead to personal or general  opinion which is PRIDE and you must not be driven by lust for gains.
There are several healing ministration by Jesus in the scripture and  they did not follow the same pattern. In Mark 8:22, people brought a blind man to Jesus and prescribed he be healed by being touched, but the Healing process  of this man was so elaborate that Jesus led him outside the town and even instructed him not to come back to the town after the healing.
A lot of times healing can be in an instant! But sometimes, he bears long with us Luke 18:7b. why does he bear long? There are some powers in heavenlies/ demons  who might be  doing some spiritual negotiations i.e  Mattew  8: 29, Mark 5 vs 1-15, or are asking questions about the healing.  SOME POWERS ASK WHO THE KING OF GLORY IS!!! (PSALM 24:10)
The most important thing we need  to bear in mind when you are confronted with a case where you need God to move is to BE CONSCIOUS OF YOUR RESTORED DOMINION IN JESUS CHRIST.
In the gospel of Luke Chapter  4, the temptation of Jesus by the devil was not in the physical presence of Lucifer the fallen being. It was one by the activity of mind binding demons. These demons are  very serious ministerial hindrance  to people who are being used by God. They speak to your mind  like your own thoughts or even speak with your  mouth and you will think they are your own thoughts . They did the same to Peter the Apostle,( Mathew 16:22) so DO not think they can not do the same to you!
These beings are sent to belittle your ministry by the enemy, their primary function is to make you  less than what God has prepared you for! Remember you are the Royal priest of the most high! 1 Peter 2 :9.

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