Sunday, 15 March 2015

not #death

Sickness Not #Death!
When certain #ailments termed by Doctors as terminal are mentioned, most times, what readily comes to mind is that the victim will likely die within a specified time frame and will be requiring constant therapy and medication as the case may be. This is however not so scripturally, as the bible makes a clear demarcation to sicknesses unto death or not.
There is a spirit   in operation that works to bring about death and hell, and there is spirit of infirmity that reigns where sicknesses are concerned. The ideal situation of death actually is by #God when he takes away the breadth and the believer sleeps…
Satan the enemy of man has sold out a lot of lies to mankind about sicknesses and death to create fear that leads to bondage. Hebrews 2:15 declares #freedom from bondage to those who have been through fear of death all their lifetime subject to bondage.
There are mysteries in death that have not been taught by many conservative Christians and this has brought a lot of problems and torment to children of God. People have ignorantly submitted to death when they should have come out gallantly to testify. My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
Death for a child of God is a home call, it is not supposed to be in sickness. The Word says ‘with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation’ Psalm 91 verse 16.
The spirit of death and #hell can capitalize on sickness and subsequent verdict of physicians based on scientific theories of the past to put a victim in bondage to accept a death sentence. Once he does, a legality is established in the realm of the spirit and the spirit of death can strike.
Beloved, for death to occur, the following things must be accomplished  in the spirit as written in Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 verse 6
‘ Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it’.
A person can be dangerously sick, but if all the above is not spiritually fulfilled, he will not die. However, when grievous sickness occurs, there is tendency for mind binding demons to sell the idea of death to the victim, who will accept this as his fate in his soul which is the seat of emotions, drive and will and then a spiritual legality can be established  and then the spirit is broken and wounded, Proverb 17 verse 22… and the spirit of death can come in.
Sounds strange? But that is the scriptural truth.
I will share a real experience of this with you. Sometime ago, a minister’s wife  gave birth to  a son in the hospital and by the following day, some complications arose and the boy was placed on #oxygen in the intensive section, he was diagnosed to have heart failure while the mother who had just gone through a caesarean section was on admission in the hospital lay helpless. The minister alongside with a fellow Christian sister prayed strategic prayers for the life of this boy by disallowing all the parameters of death to be fulfilled in him and by the third day, he was out of the intensive care unit. The Boy’s heart was checked on the third day and was declared perfect!
Jesus said he had the power to lay down his life and to take it back! What an interesting thing? Being born again offers to you a series of advantage you have probably not thought of. Paul the apostle came back to live from death as often as he wanted (2 Corinthians 11 verse 23 ‘in death oft…” He did this till he gave himself up willingly 2 Timothy 4 verse 6.
What an exciting life!
We are to continue living till we are satisfied Psalm 91 vs 16. Old age is sweet! It would not be in sickness.

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