Tuesday, 3 March 2015

your #healing

#Checklist For Your Healing!
Beloved, it is very important for you to know that God is ever willing to do us good. Ever  before #Christ came, the laws and the prophet were in place to guide us so that we would not fall into the hand on the adversary, the devil, the prince of this world, the author of sickness and curses. When the dispensation of the law and the prophets ended, he sent the prince of peace, Jesus Christ  as our  escape route from the prince of this world. He is ever willing to heal you, that is why he says ‘I am the God that Heals you’ (Exodus 15 verse 26).
I will point out to you that there is no single method that can work for every healing case since the spirit of   infirmity came in through different means. The Healings recorded in the bible came through different methods of healing ministration. I will like to  mention at this stage, that the Holy #Spirit is the healing partner that reveals to the healing minister, what to do and healing follows. He is our ultimate partner!
 However, in many cases, where the affliction proves  tougher than what the person praying for healing  envisages, especially where doctors have declared the case to be terminal, I will advise that  you to run through the following checklist of fifteen things and see if there are areas that you are deficient  and make necessary amends. Some of this areas might require that you get relevant books/materials to sharpen your spirit knowledge.  I believe that by the time you are through, healing would result in Jesus name!

1.    Get off the lane of #ignorance of the Word of God, get enough healing scriptures into your spirit, get rid of junks in your spirit and replace them with the Word. You may need to  buy tapes of healing messages and listen. Deeply meditate on the areas of healing in the Bible. Faith comes by hearing…..Romans 10:17

2.   Unbelief is Spiritual #Criminality; God’s love and mercy in making Jesus available for us in grossly undermined in unbelief. In just a second, imagine the son you love so much, look you in the face and say ‘Daddy,  I don’t trust you’ . that is how God feels when we cant just take him at his Word. Matthew 13:58, Mark 6:6

3.    Unforgiveness is also one of the spiritual ropes tying people down to affliction. When you pray to God for mercy to be healed, you are in effect asking the Lord to forgive you, however, your being forgiven is tied to your willingness to forgive others. Matthew 11 verse 25-26. When the Lord forgives you like the sick of the palsy, healing results! Matthew 9.

4.   Lack of #Diligence: The heart is the centre of all the factors that will make you connect the Almighty God for your healing. Proverb 4:23 says  You must be diligent from the heart! There must be a resolve and singleness of purpose.

5.   Pride will prevent anyone from receiving from the Lord. Pride will disallow you from making amends where necessary. Proverbs 16:18.

6.   Lack of #Persistence: When believing God for healing especially in very serious cases, there might be need for persistence at the alter of prayer. There are powers in the realm of the spirit that may not allow some deliverance to take place without continuous bombardment in the spirit. The Lord also sometimes bears long with us. Read the story of  The widow in Luke Chapter 18 verse 1-8.

7.   Unconfessed Sin: This is one of the reasons that many people are not healed from very serious afflictions. Some people are just not ready to confess and let go of secret sins that they committed. Satan can bring up legalities and accusations to strengthen affliction. Ecclesiastes 10:8 ’ He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him’. An unconfessed sin will open the Hedge(spiritual covering).

8.   Neglecting The #Poor: Isaiah 58 verse 1-8 lists the condition of a true fast, and how the sick would be magnanimous to the poor in fasting and healing would result. Proverbs 19 vs 17 says ‘whoever gives to the poor, lends to the Lord and the Lord would pay him.

9.   Grieving the Holy Spirit: #Jesus Christ left us with the Holy Spirit, and he is our ultimate partner in the ministry. He is the revealer of what the Lord will have us do to get the divine the information for healing to result. He can be blasphemed. The bible makes it clear that such sins are unforgivable.

10.                Involving in #Occult: God hates idolatry with passion. Any past involvement in idolatry must be confessed and renounced for some certain cases of afflictions to give way. I believe this is one of cases that results in the toughest afflictions. Deliverance is required , and when this is done healing results.

11.                Presence of Evil Spirit.
In many instances that Jesus Christ healed, he cast out demons and the infirmity leaves. Not  all sicknesses however, are manifestation of demons. Mark Chapter 9 verse 25-27 gives a clear case where the demons left and the victim was healed. Many terminal sicknesses are manifestation of evil spirit.

12.                Negative Confession: The devil relies on the confession of many people to keep them in captivity, The Bible makes it clear in Hebrews 3:1 that Jesus Christ is the High Priest of our confession who has passed into the heavens. when you see that your healing is perfected in the Word of God, you may not have seen the physical manifestation, use the power of faith to release positive confession and take steps to claim your healing by force.

13.                Waiting To See Before Believing: You can not have #faith when you also choose to protect your fear.  Mark 11 verse 23-24 says ‘For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith”. There are activities of legalities in the realm of the spirit between confession and possession, that is however not the subject in this book. We are to maintain our confession of faith and our healing shall be accomplished.

14.                Inability To Pray And To Fast: I mentioned earlier that there are levels of affliction that requires fasting. Matthew 17:21 Mark 9:29. The flesh will have to subdued for the spirit to communicate with the spirit of God John 4:24! The flesh will protest and want to have his way, but we are to put the flesh under, to be able to cry to the Father of spirits, the Almighty God, who is ever willing to bring about our deliverance!

15.                Presence of Family Curse: The presence of Ancestral and family curse can be a serious hindrance to healing. The bible however makes it clear that ‘if any man is in Christ, old things have passed away’ however you still have to boldly affirm this in prayer for deliverance, otherwise it will not be applicable in your case.
There is a scriptural provision in the scripture Galatians 3 verse 13-14, but if you cannot simply accept this as  referring to you, then it cannot work. As you affirm, I see you healed and restored  in Jesus name!

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