Saturday, 7 March 2015

mandate of #darkness

The Mandate of The Powers of #Darkness.
God made the universe with a lot of creatures that will help it to run, however at the fall, many fallen #angels whose end of doom is already known to them, teamed up with the #devil to fight man to make sure as many will end up in the same damnation as they are. The mandate is to kill, steal and destroy! John 10:10.
These powers being #spiritual beings have access to the pre-destined plan of God over the lives of several people. The blue-print of the life they have seen gives them the idea of the type of weapon to use against different individuals, community and places. Why do they do this? They are only trying to see that they recruit as many to fall spiritually and enter damnation as they are… they are vengeful and non-repentant, they are unrelenting and very meticulous and calculating. If they know a certain individual will be useful to project their ideas and will not be a threat to them if he is rich, they will assist such in his pursuits of riches, the riches will however be with the absence or true joy, but if they know a person or place of thing will be dangerous to them in splendor and abundance, they will fight such with poverty to get the attention.
Who are these powers?
The origin of #witchcraft is rebellion which started with the rebellion of satan against God Almighty.{1 Samuel 15 vs 23}.  Witchcraft enforces domination and control over the victim. It always wants the victim to bend to its wishes, and when the otherwise happens, it will aim to destroy such a victim.
These #powers operate in different environments in different ways, but the major aim is to bring about death and destruction. They can practice out of body experience by projecting their spirit to meet with other spirits in a designated coven where they inflict pains by making and enforcing evil #decrees on their victims. However, some people whose spirit might not agree with this program can be unconsciously initiated to still perform this same purpose without their physical knowledge. Such people sometime see themselves in strange gatherings in dreams. Some operate by evil imaginations…..Psalm 2 :why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing…..
Witchcraft can project very strong imaginations that works….. 2 Corinthians 10 verse 4-6  gives us an insight into the defeat of these demoniacal  powers.
In very poor #environments, witchcraft can operate to really oppress its victims under instrumentality of poverty and hardship to wreck more havoc and bring forth a lot more distressing situations and even deaths, however developed societies are not immune to the operations of witchcraft as they sponsor evil thoughts and #suicidal tendencies with very little excuses.
Witchcraft sponsors evil decisions that results into sorrows, tears and blood despite sophistication in advanced environments.
Note the following about witchcraft:
1.        It is responsible for loss of peace 2kings9:22
2.        It encourages worship of false gods and destructive sacrifices 2 chronicles 33:6
3.        It destroys nations and territories by satanic bargains.
Many individuals are being initiated into witchcraft consciously or unconsciously and are agents of pain and so they become agents of pain and sorrow while they also bear the pain and sorrow as well.
I have encountered witchcraft in diverse dimensions and I can read a lot of their operations.
Familiar Spirit. As the name implies are spirits that knows a lot about an individual from the ancestry. These spirits were able to find their place because of the history of idolatry in that individual. They have spiritual legality that was established at one point or the other, with or without the consent of the victim. Familiar spirit can be an imperfect duplicate and produce an almost complete information about its victim at every point in time.
In 1  Samuel 28:15-19, we can see that a certain woman with familiar spirit was able to access to some divine information for saul. This is through the spirit of divination which is an abomination unto God.
The familiar spirit has powers to penetrate higher realm than the witchcraft powers and to project dangerous things into peoples spiritual lives sometimes through dreams, thus making life for the victim one of trouble, problems, challenges and sorrows.
Spiritual Spouses.
This is a very serious problem that unfortunately many people are very unaware of…The origin of this problem is found in Genesis 6 verse 1-2.
 ‘and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose’.
 The beings referred to as sons of God in the above scriptures were angels that violated spiritual principles and began to pollute men spiritually. They are the ones referred to in Jude verse 6
‘and the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in the everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day’.
These powers are responsible for lovemaking in the dream! Love making was not designed to take place in the dream. It is a God ordained exercise for the body for procreation. Lovemaking is the body and soul (emotions) at work, and not the spirit.

These beings described above were the beings that Jesus went and preached to in 1 peter 3:19  after his resurrection. The judgment of this beings are sealed.
Any form of love making in the dream, whether with known or unknown faces usually drains the victim of spiritual energy and introduces regrets and sorrows.
However, because the perpetrators of this spiritual violence’ doom is sealed, they can be cast out and their operation can be ceased only in Jesus name.
Curses and Covenants As Destroyers of Joy.
Both curses and covenants have the abilities to destroys future and present joy in the lives of their victims.
Curses are defined in oxford dictionary as a magic word or phrase that has magical powers to make bad or evil happen. The challenges some people are going through at the moment was  designed long ago by the instrumentality of curse. Curses have the divine ability to pass through several generations until it is convenient for it to act. A present cause of sorrow may have been predetermined for hundreds or thousands of years before manifestation. It is the reason for some peculiar types of mishaps in form of sickness or one form of tragedy or the other being experienced by some certain people.
Lets look at a very good scriptural example: Joshua 6 verse 26 Joshua the servant of God pronounced a curse
26‘ and Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn and in his youngest son shall he sep up the gates of it”
This curse was brought to fulfillment in approximately 600 years after it was pronounced in 1 kings 16 verse 34
‘in his days did Hiel the bethelite build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son segub, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun.
Covenants on the other hand are agreements with strong legal backing. Let me point at this stage that there was first a very strong legal system spiritually before men began to develop legal systems in the physical. The bible itself is a book of covenant of God’s dealings with men in it’s entirety and the expectations and demands of this legal system is well spelt out as well as the price paid or to be paid if one side is defaulting. People suffer the misdeeds of others who have broken one covenant or the other in their generation.
Beloved, human beings may forget this covenant or even die before a covenant is executed, but spirits do not die, they ensure that a covenant is duly enforced.
Many Christians have misinterpreted the grace given to them by the redemption work as believing it has exempted  them from curses and covenants because of the finished work on the cross…..
This is true, but you have an obligation to fulfill to bring about the manifestation in your own case, that is why Jesus says we have to bind on earth before it is bound in Heaven…. Matthew 18 verse 18.
Just as it is your choice to accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, so also, it is your choice to remain under a curse or to be loosed from it…
The subject of curses and covenants cannot be fully discussed in this book but this is just to establish the fact that most things we may just wave off as accidental occurrence have very serious spiritual backing and mandate.

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